Chapter 4

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Emmie was bored in her class while learning the subject she already knew from her other class in her old school.

It was a few minutes later that it was time for lunch from what the announcement said over the school loudspeakers.

Emmie was hungry. The smoothie did fill her stomach but it quickly made her more hungry.

She walked into the cafeteria and went to get some food just like her fellow students.

Emmie noticed that she was given a tray of a peanut butter sandwich and some goldfish crackers with some jello and a carton of milk.

" Weird meal in a high school " she thought but didn't care. Food was food.

She took her tray and walked over to a table where several other kids were sitting and eating.

She sat down and slowly ate her food.

" Psst.. hey you're new here right?" a blonde haired girl whispered.

" Yeah I am what's the deal here?" Emmie asked.

The girl responded..

" Shhh... they'll hear us. I'm Bailey. If I get caught talking to you about this place... I'll get my 3rd strike and be sent to the New Education Wing." She said

" Trust me follow the rules and wear the pullups like they tell you to otherwise it's going to get worse then pullups for you." She said.

" Thanks for the heads up" Emmie said.

A teacher came up behind Bailey and stood her up.

" You were warned Bailey. That's strike 3 young lady. Now it's time for your visit to New Education." She said.

Bailey pushed the lady to the ground, a gasp from the other students filled the room. Bailey tried to run out of the cafeteria but she was stopped by two other teachers.

Bailey screamed...


The lady who Bailey pushed came up and said...

" It's too late for that little Bailey. Your warnings are all used up." " You left us no choice"

Bailey was dragged kicking and screaming for help out of the cafeteria.  The lady who she pushed followed them.

Emmie didn't know what to do. She was both scared and shocked at what she just saw.

Another teacher said to her...

" Do you want to join her?" " If not.. I suggest you sit down and eat your food like a good girl"

Emmie responded...

" Yes Ma'am "

She sat down and ate the rest of her food in silence with the other children.

After lunch; Emmie had more classes finishing up with math at the end of the day.

Once she was done with school...

She walked out with all the other kids and started to walk home when she heard an older woman saying as she walked by...

" Yes my daughters name is Bailey and Yes I authorize you to have her enrolled in the New Education wing. Yes I'm on my way to the school "

Emmie wanted to follow the lady... but remembered her mom's comments...

So Emmie headed home all the while wondering what happened to Bailey and what lied behind the New Education wing door.

To be continued....

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