Chapter 10

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Emmie had gotten somewhat use to her new surroundings the last few days.

All the teachers and staff members were treated her with kindness.

She hated the endless diaper changes and checks she would go through during the day.

She even stopped covering up during the changes because one staff member would be tickling her while the other one changed her diaper.

Her teenage mind was started to fade a little bit but not a lot.

She was still holding on to hope that she would grow up again...

But as each day passed she became less and less hopeful.


Emmie was sitting on the lap of a staff member during story time when another staff member walked in pushing a stroller with a girl in it

Emmie's gaze looked over at. Her gaze immediately recognized that it was Bailey. Her friend Bailey.

Although Bailey looked different.

She was dressed in a pink set of
overalls and her diaper was very visible beneath them. She had a pacifier clipped to the top of the overalls and she had pink and white velcro shoes.

Her hair was cut shorter with a small braid in the back of it.

The staff member released Bailey from the stroller and led her into another room that was attached to the classroom that Emmie was in.

The staff member checking Baileys diaper saying...

" Uh ohs.. did little Bailey Wailey make a boom boom?"

" Let's get you changed again "

" That's the third time this morning according to your mommy "

Emmie struggled in the women's lap and whined...

" Aww what's wrong little girl?"

Emmie looked at her and said..

" Bwailey" and pointed to the door her former friend had went through.

The lady said...

" Awww you said a new word good for you sweetie "

She clapped her hands.

" Bwailey " Emmie repeated and tried to wiggle free from her lap.

The lady said..

" Aww no no sweetie. You can't see your friend. She's in the kindergarten class."

" But maybe you'll see her at the park or something "

" Little babies like you are too young for kindergarten "

" Aren't you?" She said tickling Emmie's sides.

Emmie had no choice but to laugh uncontrollably.

Emmie couldn't believe it...

She finally got the chance to see her best friend and couldn't even hug her or talk to her.


Emmie was changed again after story time and fed her lunch in a highchair in the cafeteria.


Emmie had made up her mind...

She was going to see her friend Bailey again no matter what....


It was the end of the day and her mom came to pick her up from the school.

Her mom said..

" Aww there's my little princess. Mommy's little princess "

She picked Emmie up and carried her to the car.

Emmie saw Bailey being led out of the school with her mom....

Bailey's mother said..

" Uh oh Looks like my little princess needs a diaper change again "

She opened the door to the back part of her mini van and laid Bailey in the back and changed her diaper for everyone around them to see.

Emmie couldn't believe what was happening to her best friend.

Her mom looked at her daughter saying

" Awww don't worry sweetie. Mommy won't change you like that unless you absolutely need it."

She checked her daughter's diaper under the straps of her carseat

" Yep you can wait til we get home." She said giving her daughter a kiss on her cheek.

Emmie said

" Bwailey mama "

Her mom smiled....

" Awww you said a new word sweetie mommy's so proud of you " she said as she clapped her hands.

Emmie pointed to Bailey's mom's car and said her name again

" Bwailey "

Her mom looked at the car and said

" Ooh that's your little friend Bailey "

" Well maybe you too can have a playdate soon."

" I'll have a chat with her mommy soon. "

She shut the door to the car and drove her daughter home....

Emmie was freaking out in her carseat whispering and crying.

She wanted to see her friend Bailey so badly.

Her mom saying from the front seat...

" Awww don't worry sweetie. Guess what mommy had some suprises for you when we get home"

Emmie calmed down a bit.

The thought of a surprise made her a little happier...

She just wanted to see her friend Bailey even just for a second...

To be continued...

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