Chapter 11

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Emmie was sitting in her carseat as her mom drove to thier home.

Her mom had affixed a pacifier onto her shirt and Emmie found herself sucking rhythmically on it.

It was calming and soothing to her. She still had a minor semblance of her adult mind and that part of her brain couldn't believe she was now a baby...

A baby in both body and mind. Well... body for sure but her mind was slowly moving in that direction too.

" I can tell my little princess loves her pacifier." Her mom giggled from the driver's seat.

" Mpfffhh Mpfffh Mama" Emmie tried to speak around the pacifier but it was useless.

" Awww you're soo adorable sweetie " her mom said

Emmie just went back to sucking on her pacifier... her mom wasn't going to listen to her.


She pulled the car into the driveway and turned the engine off. She got out and unbuckled Emmie from her carseat and carried her into thier house.


Emmie saw the difference in the house as soon as they were inside.

There was a Playpen in the middle of the living room facing the TV. With lots of small baby toys on the floor of the pen.

Her mom carried her into the kitchen and set her purse down on the counter.

Emmie saw that in place of her grown up seat was now a highchair with a striped pink and white seat.


Her mom felt her daughter's diaper bouncing her up and down saying

" Uh oh my little princess needs her diaper changed " " Let's get you changed sweetie "

Emmie whimpered around her pacifier... she couldn't believe she wet herself in her mom's arms.

Emmie was carried down the hallway to her room.

She saw her name in a pink and white sign on the door to her room.

She started to whimper again..

Her mom rubbing her back saying

" Shh Shh sweetie. It's going to be okay.. mommy's got you."

That was of little comfort to Emmie.


Her mom opened the door and Emmie couldn't believe what she saw....

Her old room was gone and she now saw her room and fate with her own eyes.

Her bed was gone. In its place was a crib. A baby crib complete with a mobile and soft sheets a pillow and several stuffed animals inside the crib.

On the walls her name was spelled out in black and white cursive writing.

There was also a changing table opposite the crib and a rocking chair with some blankets on it and a small table with some books on it.

There were also stars on the walls and toys and stuffed animals spread out on the floor.

Emmie was in a nursery..

Her nursery.

She just cried...

She wanted her old life back...


Her mom laid her down on the changing table and began her diaper change.

She opened the diaper and saw no poop.

" Aww my little princess is just wets. Don't worry mommy will make it better "

Emmie just nursed her pacifier

Her mom wiped her down with several baby wipes. She then poured some rash cream into her daughter's privates and bottom.

Emmie blushed deep red. She couldn't believe her mom was doing this to her.

Her mom then rubbed some baby powder on her privates and then taped the diaper up making it snug and tight on Emmie's waist.


" There we go sweetie all nice and clean " she said.

As she was lifted off the changing table she whimpered a little

" Awww I know what's wrong sweetie hehehe my little princess is hungry. "

Her mom stripped her of her clothes and left her in just her diaper.


Emmie was a little embarrassed by this but she was more focused on getting food.

Her mom rubbed her back saying

" C'mon princess lets go get you something to eat."

Emmie was carried out of the nursery to the kitchen...

She was hungry and she wanted this nightmare to be over..

But it was only going to continue

To be continued....

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