Chapter 5.2

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Emmie was determined to save her friend Bailey.

Her mom made sure she was dressed in her pullups at school because she took her into the nurse's office and pulled her pants down and showed her the proof.

" Hopefully this little girl won't cause anymore trouble " the nurse said.

" I'm sure she won't " Emmie's mom said.

Emmie was ushered off to her classroom.

She was doing her daily lessons when she got the urge to go to the bathroom again.

She could feel a little bit of wetness in her pullups.

The teacher granted her permission to go to the bathroom.


Emmie had a different plan in mind. Hopefully a teacher would be going into the New Education wing and she could sneak by the doors.


She went to the bathroom and took her pullups off again but didn't put a pair of thong panties on this time.


She hid behind the trophy case again and waited for the right moment.


A janitor was coming out of the wing with a garbage can. Emmie waited until his back was turned and she made a mad dash for the doors.


She was able to slink through them before they shut completely.


Emmie looked down a long hallway with glass windows on each side.

She heard above her head over the loud speakers children's songs being played on a loop like " Wheels on the Bus" " Mr.Golden Sun; and " Mary had a little lamb;" among others.

Emmie crept down the hall looking for adults as to not be caught.

As she crept by the windows...

She looked inside and was shocked at what she saw...

There were teenagers who were just like her being turned into babies.

Some were hooked up to machines and sleeping while they were getting smaller.... others were having their diapers changed or being fed food or bottles while others were having what looked like story time in a circle on a rainbow colored carpet.

On the other side of the hall there was a play structure with several kids playing on it. They all looked to be under the age of 5.


Emmie was in shock. She couldn't believe teenage kids were being turned into babies.

She even heard some kids screaming...


Then there was silence....


"I gotta find Bailey and get us outta here. " She thought.

She walked along the wall looking for Bailey.

She whispered..

" Bailey.... Bailey "

She snuck past one of the doors and she heard voices saying into a phone...

" Yes Ma'am Bailey Andersen's treatment is completed."

" She's in the recovery room and will be placed in the classroom with the other children shortly. "

Emmie thought to herself...

" I gotta find the recovery room "

She crept back out into the hallway and walked a bit further when she ran into a teacher causing her to fall to the floor...

" Well... I see a certain little girl got lost on her way to the bathroom again"

She got on a radio saying...

" Yes I found Emmie. "

" She was in the New Education wing."

Emmie tried to run but the lady held her in place....

" Bring her to the principal's office please. "

" On our way" the lady replied.

Emmie was so scared she didn't realize she wet herself out of fear.

The lady looked down...

" I see a certain little girl had an accident. Well we'll get you cleaned up soon."

Emmie whimpered like a small child who had just failed potty training.

She led Emmie out of the New Education wing and to the principal's office while her soggy wet pants made her feel cold.


As they reached the principal's office

She was lead inside and sat down on a chair.

The principal spoke...

" Now Now Emmie... we don't want you being like your friend Bailey. She was a troublemaker too."

The principal chuckled...

" Well she was a troublemaker "

The other teacher laughed.

Emmie said

" I wanna get out of this school. I want out of here with my friend Bailey."

" You're all crazy"

The principal chuckled saying

" Now Now little girl... you need to behave and do what your teacher or an adult tells you to."

" Otherwise you will join your friend Bailey and the other misbehaving children quicker than you think."

Emmie just lowered her head and sobbed.

What the principal said scared her and what she said next scared her even more....

" Now this is strike two for you little girl. If you get to strike three... You won't need to worry about not wearing pullups anymore...

"Do you understand me?"

Emmie responded faintly..

" Yes Ma'am "

" What a good little girl " the principal said.

" Now run along... it's the end of the day. We'll see you tomorrow. "

Emmie went back to her classroom as it was the end of the school day.... grabbed her stuff and walked home.

Completely frightened by the consequences of getting to her third strike....

To be continued....

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