Chapter 17

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Emmie laid flat on her back in her crib. She starred at the colorful mobile that spun around.

She was thinking about the prospect of getting to be a teenager again.

She knew that she had lost her best friend Bailey. Bailey would always be a baby girl but have her teenage mind.

Emmie felt bad for her best friend. Bailey's mother seemed to be happy with her decision for her daughter.

Emmie's mom came into the nursery and saw her daughter hanging on the bars of the crib.

" Aww there's my little princess "

" I bet someone is hungry "

Emmie bounced up and down in her crib.

" I'll take that as a yes sweetie "her mom said.

She lifted Emmie out of her crib and proceeded to change her diaper.

It has become apparent to her mom that Emmie has lost what was left of her teenage mind.

All Emmie could do was say  " Mama" or babble.

Her mom finished cleaning her up and fastened a new diaper on her bottom.

" There's my little princess." She said as she poked Emmie's belly causing the young girl to squeal.

She lifted her off the table and carried her into the living room.

She left Emmie in nothing but her diaper.

It was a unusually hot day so her mom figured Emmie would be comfortable in just her diaper.

She set Emmie in her playpen and turn the TV on.

She also placed a bottle in her crib in case Emmie got thirsty.

She went to get her work done in the kitchen while Emmie just sat in her playpen trying to keep herself occupied while her mom worked.

Emmie noticed that the diaper she was wearing was larger between her legs. She tried to close her legs but it was of little use

She was trapped in her playpen with barely any room to move around.

Was this meant to be her fate or would her mom give her the opportunity to grow up again?

She sat in the playpen watching the episode of Paw Patrol her mom put on and nursed the bottle that was in the playpen with her

She figured something to drink was better than her mom breastfeeding her.

To be continued

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