Chapter 9

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**Thank you so very much Everyone for all the praise positive thoughts and words towards my stories. I appreciate it beyond words. I also want to thank everyone for their ideas or suggestions to make my story better. **

Emmie had been in her new body for a few days now. She had gotten use to the fact that she wasn't able to do things on her own let alone walk.

She crawled everywhere or was carried by an adult.

During her classroom sessions she was always sitting on someone's lap for circle time or being told to try and walk but she stumbled a lot.

She even tried to form better words than just babbling but she was only able to say " Mama " or " Baba"

Meanwhile in her brain she was an emotional wreck. She was crying every time she failed at something or had her diaper changed or was fed food or a bottle.

She couldn't believe it was still happening to her and worse off her mom was in full support of it.


Her mom on the other hand was very happy with the outcome.

She had always known Emmie had some terrible struggles so she figured it was the best way for her to lose some of the stress and enjoy her life again.

The store delivery drivers had already come and baby proofed her house and set up Emmie's new room.

She had even built in protections for Emmie once she had passed away so Emmie would always be taken care of.


Emmie was in the middle of being fed a lunch of beans and bananas when she overheard one of the ladies saying

" Yes Bailey will be back tomorrow. Her mom wanted a few days to bond with her again"

The other lady said..

" That's good. I remember when Bailey was in the lower classrooms. She was a true terror but now from what I understand she is much more well behaved "

Emmie just sat in the highchair she was in and couldn't believe what she just heard...

Her best friend Bailey was now a baby like her but she didn't know what her appearance was....

Emmie was cleaned up and released from the highchair and carried outside to a play area.

She was placed in a baby swing and pushed back and forth.

To be continued....

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