0.5 continued

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Cal's POV:

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, after kissing her at the party she's been on my mind 24/7, it's outrageous. I've never thought about a girl like this, I usually fuck them around and to make it even worse she's my best mates little sister. She can't remember our kiss, even if it was just for the game, it was a great kiss.

——time rewind to before the party —-

I headed for a shower to calm myself down and also to clean myself lol. I spent a little longer than usual in there but I was enjoying it so much to the point I forgot I was in there and was brought out of my daydream by Harry banging in the door "Cal hurry the fuck up I need to shower too you dick". You'd think we would get a flat with two bathrooms but no we didn't. "Alright bog calm down, gimme 5" I turned off the water and heard Harry go back to his room, stepped out the shower and stared at my appearance, looking alright to be honest.

I headed towards Harry's room "you can shower now boggo" he looked up and smiled and walked away to the shower. I headed back to my room to pick out an outfit, I wanted to look good but not like I've tried that hard. I decided on going with black cargo trousers, a grey kith T-shirt and a green and cream billionaire boys jacket with some high top converse (A/N: IF YOUVE SEEN HIS £100 vs £10000) OUTFIT, ITS THE EXPENSIVE ONE). I dried my hair and sprayed some aftershave and deodorant on and I was ready to leave as soon as Harry was.

After 20 minutes of waiting Harry finally came knocking on my door with Lux standing beside him, "let's go freezy" he had a big smile on his face, clearly excited about this party. "Cmon then fellas". We headed downstairs and got an Uber to the boys house.

——time skip to the party—-
I put my phone back in my pocket and did as she asked me too:

I grabbed myself and Lucy a red solo cup and poured a drink for each of us and headed over to the couch where she was sat with Talia and Freya engrossed in some conversation. She looked up as I walked over and gave me a smile. I handed her the drink "Thank you Cal" I just nodded and sat down next to her. Our shoulders brushed against each other and she flinched a bit.

"Aw hello squeezy" Freya spoke up
"Freya, how's it going" I wasn't here to make convo with these two, just Lucy but it seems they come as a trio these days. The lass has only been here two weeks, she's fitted in so quick it's mad but good.

I continued to have a chat with the girls until Simon walked in "Cal come and see this" he shouted from the other side of the room. I got up and smiled to the ladies on the couch and headed over to Simon. "What is it mate?" I'm quite intrigued. "It's JJ, come see him".

We headed through to the kitchen where JJ was laying on top of the kitchen countertop in only his boxers fast asleep. He really cannot handle his alcohol the idiot. "Aw mate this is jokes, i've got to take a photo" I grabbed my phone out and snapped a photo of him and posted it on my Instagram story "JJ the lightweight back at it again" and then posted it. I showed Simon and he started laughing. "Shots?" I asked as I wasn't drunk yet and I had been her for an hour already. Simon nodded and we grabbed some shot glasses and Sambuca and took 3 shots each, hopefully this would make an effect on me.

I grabbed another drink and headed back to the living room to see that Lucy wasn't there but Talia and Freya were. "Hi girls, where did lil miss minter go?" I asked them cheekily. "She's away to the toilet cal, keep your dick in your boxers yeh?" Talia replied "hey, fuck off".

I decided to find the boys, downed my drink and grabbed one more and headed to the games room, there was the sidemen and Lux playing some sort of game, I joined in and after 3 rounds I was pretty drunk.

Lucy's POV:

I came back from the bathroom after downing my drink and headed to the kitchen, I took 3 shots and made myself another drink. I wanted to be drunk. I didn't want to go back and speak to the girls again about whatever it is they actually talk about so I went to find Tobi. After a search I found him with the boys in the game room, but he was leaving the room to head to the living room so I joined him

"Lou, are you drunk?" He asked me this just as I almost fell into him
"No not at all Tobez just clumsy" I replied, I was tipsy but not drunk yet. He just laughed
We sat down on a separate couch and grabbed some of the food, we just vibed to the music and laughed at cals story on Instagram.
"So freezy eh? I heard about your kiss the other week misses." Tobi spoke up
"I can't remember it to be honest but it was for beer pong" why does he think I've got something going on with him, we're barely friends.
"He texts me sometimes though Tobez, is he known to be a flirt or whatever?" I ask before Tobi replies
"Yeah he's a bit of a fuckboy and he never shares his emotions or anything, he's a tough person to read. Not sure if he's ever actually liked a girl before" he replied "why you asking, do you like him?"
"Some of his texts are a bit flirty but we've only texted like two times. I hardly know the boy Tobi calm down yeh".

He just nodded and got up. I followed him and we ended up back in the games room where all the boys were pretty drunk and playing games. I noticed Simon so I went over and gave him a hug, he was very very drunk "hi Lou, are you alright" he asked slurring his words "yeah Si, what are you playing?" I want to play whatever it is to be honest. "We're playing never have I ever, join in if you want" he offered. I nodded and they explained the rules to me and I joined in the game.

When I looked up from my phone I noticed someone was staring at me directly opposite, it was Callum. He threw me a smile and I returned it. I put my head back down and leaned into Tobi who was sat to my right. Tobi gave me a hug and laughed as he thought I was drunk.

"Can we fucking start now boys... oh and girl" Harry spoke up, clearly a bit drunk. Everyone laughed and the game got started. The rules were if you have done the never have I ever you have to take a decent sized drink of your beverage. "I'll start" freezy said.

(A/N gonna do speech like this when there's going to be a lot of it so it's not confusing, I might end up keeping the speech like this)
Cal: "Never have I ever kissed someone in this room" he winked at me as he took a drink from his cup.
I took a drink and everyone stared at me as I did it, I didn't like that at all. I gave cal an angry look and he laughed. Simon nudged me to show me he was not happy at all but I gave him an "I'm sorry" look and he smiled.
Lux: "right next one, never have I ever taken drugs" I looked around and seen that Harry, cal and Ethan all took a drink. Never knew cal done drugs. It was now my turn
Lou: "okay ummm, never have I ever got with more than two people in one night" to my surprise not a lot of the boys drank. I took my drink and everyone was shocked and started asking questions but they got ignored. Cal, Ethan and Harry all drank too and cal gave me a smile.
Simon: "okay my turn, never have I ever had sex" okay Simon pretty boring. The whole room drank and Simon almost chocked on his drink when I took a sip. Did he seriously think I was a virgin?????

My phone vibrated and I decided to have a look
Texts from cal:
Cal: not a virgin eh? Bet Simon wasn't expecting that one x
Lou: ohhh be quiet, you're in the bad books for that mad question mr airey x
Cal: and who told you my last name? >:(
Lou: doesn't matter darling, now stop texting me we are in the same room you creep x

I looked up and he was smiling at me. We continued to play the game for another 15 minutes and everyone ended up being pretty drunk. It was 9pm now and nobody was leaving anytime soon.

They all got up and left the games room but I decided to stay for one more drink and some alone time. I looked up when everyone left and noticed cal was still there, standing at the door smiling at me. He walked over and sat down next to me

Cal: "hi, why aren't you coming with us?"
Lou: "I am, just need 5 minutes to regain a level head"
Cal: "ah so you're drunk."
Lou: "drunk I would be, why did you stay?"
Cal: "noticed you were on your own and wanted to make sure you are alright babe"
Lou: "thank you" I leaned my head against his shoulder and he placed his on top of mine. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders to give me stability and he grabbed out his phone "smile Lucy" I looked up and smiled as he took a drunken selfie of us. He then sent me it, got up and left.

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