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Lucy's POV:

We arrived at the restaurant after a 20 minute drive there. Cal parked his car, got out and quickly ran round to the passenger side to let me out. "Aw what a gentleman, thank you Freezy" I laughed. We headed inside and was met by a young lady.

"Table for Airey please" Cal spoke up. "Just this way Sir" she smiled and we followed her to a table for 2 and she handed us some menus "I'll be back to take your orders soon" she smiled again. "Thank you" Cal replied and I smiled.

"You look really good by the way" Cal spoke up from his menu. "Thank you Cal, you don't look too bad yourself" I giggled. I could feel my checks go red and heat up. "You've gone a bit red Lou" fuck sake he noticed. "Shut it Airey" I hid my face behind my hands and Cal laughed.

The lady came over and took our orders. I got a spaghetti carbonara and Cal got a chicken pizza. We also both got a diet coke and some fries to share.

"So why'd you move to London then?" Cal spoke up. "Uhh I wanted freedom and missed Simon, felt like it would benefit my youtube career too" I smiled as I replied. We continued to make conversation. I found out that Cal has lived in Egypt, England, Russia and Scotland. He's half Scottish too which is so cool.

—- Time Skip to After the Meal —-

After we had our food, Cal got up and paid and we headed back to his flat. The drive back was filled with conversation about youtube and we done some singing.

We pulled up and headed into the building, we got into the lift and made it to the flat. We got to his door and went in and were greeted by Harry and Lux. "Alright lads" Cal said as we walked in the door, both boys replied with an "Alright"

"Hi guys" I spoke up hiding behind Cal. "Omg Lucy hi" Lux got out his seat and gave me a hug. "Hi Lou" Harry said and gave me a hug "Hi boggo".

"Lucy you wanting a drink?" Cal was standing at the fridge with two glasses out. "What you got?" I asked. "Vodka, wine or gin or a beer if you fancy one" He replied. "A gin and lemonade please Cal" he nodded and poured me the drink. He handed me the drink, we said goodnight to the boys and went to his room.

This is the first time I've been in the boys flat. It was really nice, the living room and kitchen was all open and one room, down the hall was Cals room and Harry's was up the stairs, Lux's was right round from Cals. We got into Cals room and it was pretty tidy for a boys bedroom, he had his bed in the middle of the room with a big picture on the wall behind it, his set up was in the other corner, his wardrobe next to it, he had a railing with all his hoodies and jackets on and shoes underneath, his TV was up on the wall.

He went back to the kitchen and got the bottle of gin and lemonade and beer for himself. "You can go get changed in the bathroom, there's makeup wipes in there for you too" he said once he got back. I thanked him and headed to the bathroom.

I washed my little makeup off and chucked my hair up in a ponytail and put on a pair of joggers and one of Simons t-shirts, put on my fluffy socks and headed back to Cals room.

On my way back I bumped into Harry "Alright bog" he smiled "Hi Lou, you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah i'm good, i'll see you in the morning" I gave him a hug and headed back to Cals room. He had gotten snacks and was changed into shorts and a kroxworld t-shirt. "I like your t-shirt" I said as I sat next to him on the bed. "Thank you, do you want one? i've got lots and hoodies too"

"Sure why not, I'm a size xtra small or a women's 4" I replied. He grabbed me a pink tie dye kroxworld top and the black kroxworld hoodie. I thanked him and he turned off the light and chucked the LED lights on. What a basic white girl.

"Make yourself comfy Lou, what will we watch?" We lay against his headboard with a blanket over us, sitting on top of his black duvet. "Umm a horror?" i love horror movies.

He agreed and we ended up watching Insidious 1 and would watch number 2 after it.

Turns out Cal is a gimp and gets scared at everything.

"You're such a wimp Cal" I laughed as he screamed at the window being opened in the movie. "Shut up, I'm on edge. This movie is outrageous" he hid his face behind the pillow.

The movie was finished and Cal was hiding underneath his duvet like a big baby. We decided not to watch the second one and put on The Simpsons instead.

It was around 11pm and Cal had gotten up to go get more food because he's a greedy shit.

When he came back he sat closer to me and put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you for tonight Lucy, I had a great time" He smiled at me. "Thank you Cal, I've had a great time too" i replied.

He took his hand and put into onto my cheek and pulled me closer to him, he then brought his lips to mine and connected them. I shut my eyes and kissed him back. It was just like the last time, butterflies in my stomach.

The kiss got more heated as it went on, he pulled away and smiled at me before kissing me again. He pulled my body closer to him so I was sitting above him as he was laying down. He had one hand on my cheek and the other on the bottom of my back.

I pulled away for air. "Can't breathe huh?" he laughed and brought me into a hug. I laughed and shook my head no. I could tell my cheeks were bright red as I could feel the heat on them. "Getting nervous now little one?" he said as he lifted my head off his shoulder. "Shoosh you" I laughed.

We lay back down and I cuddled into him and we continued to watch The Simpsons. He tickled my lower back and I slowly felt myself fall asleep.

Cals POV:

This girl is a dream. I'm getting attached and I'm terrified. I haven't liked anyone since Alice and I just fear I'm going to hurt someone again and I don't want too. This is terrifying man, fucking with my own head these days.

Lucy was laying on me cuddling as I tickled her lower back, she was fast asleep. I had turned the TV off and was just staring at the ceiling and occasionally at her too (she's pretty okay).

I'm fighting with my own head and can't sleep. I haven't gotten serious with anyone since Alice, I just slept around due to not wanting to get attached and hurting people.

Slowly I won the battle with my thoughts and fell asleep.




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