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text from bog:
bog: uh lucy you heard from cal?
lucy: nope, how come?
bog: he hasn't been home since yesterday, can't get a hold of him, thought he'd be with you, we are meant to be filming today
lucy: i'll try get in contact, thanks harry x
bog: thank you lou x


* 7 missed calls from Harry*
* 2 missed calls from Lux*
Text from Lou:
Lou: cal harry's wondering where you are, are you okay? xx
Lou: cal i haven't heard from you since yesterday get in touch yeh? xx
Lou: callum answer cmon
*3 missed calls from Lou*


Text with Bog:
Lucy: He isn't answering me either Harry, i'm getting worried, I realised I haven't heard from him since yesterday either
Bog: maybe he's staying at chips or something lemme text him


Text with Chip:
Harry: josh is cal with you?
Chip: nah fella how come?
Harry: we're meant to be filming, it's all good thank you
Chip: i'll message you if i heard from him

Text with Lucy:
Harry: he's not with chip, lux has tried and no answer either
Lucy: aw harry what if he's in trouble?
Harry: he won't be dont worry, i'll let you know when i hear from him


I put my phone down and ran through to Tobi's room

T: "yo you good?"
L: "Harry hasn't heard from Cal since yesterday and neither have I or Lux or anyone, he's not answering us"
T: "hey calm down, lemme try"

Tobi called his number but it just rang out

T: "right house meeting"

I nodded, Tobi got everyone into the kitchen and sat round the table

Tobi: "Has anyone heard from Freezy?"
Simon: "come to think of it, no"
Josh: "yeah me neither"
Vik: "nope"
Jj: "nah fam"
Ethan: "i heard from his last night of that helps?"
Lucy: "it does"
Ethan: "he went out with Will I think and he invited me but I was too tired to go"
Lucy: "can someone contact Will?"
Simon: "lucy havent you spoke to him?"
Lucy: "not since yesterday, harry was meant to film today with him but he hasn't come home"
Simon: "oh, shit, i'll phone Will"


Simons POV:

S: hey will you alright?
W: yeah what's up mate
S: just wondering if you've heard from freezy? none of us have since yesterday and lucys getting worried
W: yeah yeah he crashed here and i think he lost his phone or something, you wanna speak to him?
S: thank fuck, uh yeah please
W: okay two secs mate

C: Simon?
S: you're a prick mate
C: huh? what have i done
S: got my sister worrying because you've been MIA for almost two days, she's sitting crying because she thinks your missing or some shit
C: oh shit, i lost my phone last night and was bout to go into town to get another one
S: come here first because she's in a state Cal and apologise to harry
C: jeez alright lad calm down, i'll be there soon

I just hung up after that.

I went back through to the kitchen to let them know the idiot isn't dead or missing and is infact just an idiot

Lucy: "so?"
Simon: "he's with will, he lost his phone and he's coming here now to apologise for scaring you lucy"
Lucy: "oh thank god, thank you Si"
Tobi: "told you it was alright Lou"

Tobi gave Lucy a big hug and it made me feel sick, I know i can't get angry or annoyed at her being so close with my mates because they're hers too but it does. I just wanna keep her safe.

"I'm going back to my room, see yous later. Lucy lemme know when Freezy is here" I called out

A/N: hii, shorter chapter than usual. I'm still trying to figure out the story line i'm going for with this one.

If you haven't check out the other one i'm writing, it's a Harry one instead of a Freezy one :)

Thank you for reading this <3

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