Chapter 36

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That night we set the fire. Pack members collected as many branches as they could find, and some warriors found some old trees to cut and make into a tower of sorts. The fire would be huge, just as she said to do. At sundown we lit the flame. It was amazing, I'm sure it could be seen for miles.
A couple of warriors even insisted on being naked and dancing around the flames, just in case.

I nodded at Liam, it's time. He spoke up to the pack,

"Everyone back, we don't know how bad the explosion will be." We made sure all children were inside, and they got far away. I look at Liam,

You get back too. We can't risk us both getting hurt.

I could feel in our bond just how much he hated that statement, but he knew I was right and got back with the rest of the warriors. I walk up to the flames with one of the bags Endora gave me and sent a silent prayer to the Goddess that this would work. Then I threw the bag and ran. The next thing I know I hear a huge boom, and flash of light, and I'm on the ground. I feel a slight burn on my shoulder but I can tell it's already healing.

"Ember!" Roars Liam as he runs over to me.

"I'm fine, is anyone hurt?" I ask.

"No I think we were all back far enough. You went flying though." He checks my shoulder, already knowing it's hurt as I'm sure he could feel it because of our bond. I push his hands away and look him in the eyes,
"I'm fine, really." But of course I still feel his worry. Stupid Alphas.

"Damn girl! I know I said make it big but damn. That's one big fire!" At the sound of her voice I turn around with a smile. "You do know I was kidding about dancing naked though, right?"

"Endora" I say as I walk towards her and give her a hug, "it's good to see you"

"You too. I was starting to think you'd never call me back here. He's back isn't he?" She has a fury in her eyes that I've only ever seen in my own. She understands.

"Yes. For a couple months now. We think he has a witch working with him to hide his scent to help his get past our warriors. We were hoping you'd be willing to help."

"Of course I will. I'm sure I could even get some coven members to help too if we need them." She smiles at me, but her eyes never loose the fury in them. She wants him dead, and so do I.

I figure it's time for introductions, so I pull Liam closer,

"This is my mate, Liam. Liam this is Endora." They shake hands and I can tell they're trying to read each other as they do. Lucky for me it must be good on both ends because I feel Liam relax a little and well...he not on Endora must not have felt anything bad from him. Not that I expected her too but I have the feeling she doesn't trust easy. Nobody that's been through what we have does.

"And I'm sure you remember Lydia,"

"BITCH SHE BETTER!" Lydia says running over and throwing herself onto Endora in what I think is supposed to be a hug. "I've missed you so much! How've you been? Have you learned more magic? Do you have a Beloved? Omg is he cute?!"

"Would you let her answer any of those questions, Sweetheart?" Jason laughs as he joins the group. "Hi, I'm Jason. Lydias mate."

"Sorry I'm just excited! Shitty circumstances aside, it's great to see her again. Let's get you settled in and we can talk about everything." Lydias happiness is infectious and I can see the spirits rising in some of the pack members, so I'm not gunna do anything to stop it. Lydia leads her inside and I turn to the pack,

"Well we're not gunna be doing any fighting tonight, and since the fires already lit why don't you all have some fun? Bring the children back out, put on some music, and enjoy the night. You all deserve it." At that I saw even more smiles and I knew it was the right choice. They have been working so hard, and have been so worried the past few months. We could all use a night of fun. Not that I'll be having any as I need to spend my time filling in Endora on the whole situation. I think back to everything that's happened, and the plans we haven't even come up with to take down the Alpha, yeah it's gunna be a long night..

. . .

I decided to take a breather from being alpha for the moment and go to my room. I open the doors to my balcony and lean on the rail, sighing I drop my head to my hands. Five minute mental health break. As strong as I am, seeing Endora have surprisingly brought back feelings and memories I don't necessarily want. I wasn't happy back then. I was fueled only by my hatred, I didn't have my mate to pull me out of flashbacks and I definitely didn't feel as secure in my alpha title as I do now.

Arms wrap around my waist from behind as tingles shoot through my body. I let out a content hum as I lean back against him. I feel him in my mind, trying to figure out what's wrong. I turn in his arms to face him and slide my hands around his neck.

We look into each other's eyes for a minute before he kisses me. Sweet and slow. Protective and full of love.

Separating but keeping my arms around his neck I say ,

"Thank you" as I look in his eyes. Eyes that show nothing but love, and slight worry.

"You never need to thank me, love" he says. And then he opens his mind to me. A rush flys through me as I feel his emotions. It's not the first time he has opened up to me, but I tend to forget that he loves me just as much as I do him. And each time he opens his mind I'm reminded. I'm not that person anymore. I'm not fueled by hate or anger, Liam is what fuels me now. My pack, best friend, all of the love in my life is why I have to get rid of the Alpha once and for all.

I almost never close my mind to him anymore, I don't communicate well with words so for me it's how I explain myself. Therefore he knows exactly what I'm thinking,

"I will have to open up to you more. I didn't understand the hold your past still has over you." He says, "I mean, of course it still haunts you, you have flashbacks and nightmares, but it's more then that. You deserve to feel loved and not doubt that we love you. I will always love you, Ember. We will end him together."

His hands slide from my waist to my stomach. Then he leans in and kisses me again. I let my stress go with this kiss. I can't help but to picture a time without it. A time with just Liam and me, and our children. I smile,

"You know, werewolves grow pretty quickly. We're gunna have to start thinking about baby stuff pretty soon. Baby names too." At this Liam just smirks,

"Oh I don't think we'll have to worry too much about that. Lydia and your mom are already planning a surprise baby shower."

"Ha! Not much of a secret keeper are you?" I tease him.

"I just happen to know that you hate surprises! Why would I put you through a party you'd hate without at least warning you?" He laughs.

"True I really do hate surprises. Well that's one less thing to think about I guess." I sigh and lean my head on his chest as his hands let go of my stomach to wrap around me again.

"We have to go be Alphas again, don't we?" I turn my head to look up at him.

"Yes, love, we do. Come on, Endora's probably waiting." With that he moves my arms from around his neck, but holds onto my hand as we walk down to the office.

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