Chapter 28

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With the rogues having retreated the fight was over, for now anyways. We collected the bodied of our dead pack members and returned home. My mother was with Jason, he says shes extremely malnourished and injured but other than that she should be okay.

I haven't seen her yet. Jason's group is the farthest away from the pack and since they have to carry my mother they won't be back until tomorrow. I'm both excited and nervous to see her. I know Liam already told me she won't blame me, but I can't help but to worry. She was with them for almost ten years, I don't think I would've survived another year of that torture. My only hope is that the rogues were so focused on hurting me that they left her alone for the most part.

Liam and I spend the day comforting the mates and family of the dead. 36 pack members dead in total. When me and Liam combined our packs we ended up having over 200 pack members, which made us a really strong pack, but we will definitely mourn the ones we have lost.

At the end of the day me and Liam just lay in bed and hold one another. Our wolves happy and content in each others arms.

I could've lost him today.

Silvia lets out a whine in the back of my mind at the thought of losing her mate.

Almost as though he was thinking the same thing Liam pulls me even closer and rests his forehead on mine. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, he does the same. Wordlessly he pulls me in for a kiss.

This kiss isn't out of need for his mate, but out of love. He kisses me like I'm his whole reason for living, and I immediately respond. He IS my whole reason for living. I wasn't really living before I met him. I was just going through the motions, being an Alpha but not living as one.

"I love you, Liam. So much. You're the perfect mate, and I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me."

He looks deep into my eyes and just shakes his head,

"You don't need to thank me. I waited my whole life to find you, and I would do anything for you, my little mate. I love you."

With that he kisses me again, and while there's still love in this kiss, there always is, this time it has more passion behind it. I reach up and thread my fingers though his hair, pulling him closer, if that's even possible, and deepen the kiss. He bites at my lower lip and I gladly let him in, our tongues moving together in perfect sync. His hand move to my ass as he slowly grinds my lower half onto his, making me let out a moan. At this he growls and pushes me back on the bed and hovers over me for a second, never once breaking the kiss. Slowly he leans back just enough so he can move to growl in my ear,

"I'm going to make sure everyone knows that you're mine, Mate." He trails kisses and love bites to my neck making me moan again.

And that he does. By the next morning I think the entire pack house heard me screaming Liam's name a million times, and if that wasn't enough, the hickey and bite marks on my skin were plenty enough that everyone knew I was taken. That and the Mark the was now freshly renewed on my neck, as part of the werewolf mating process.

The scratches on his back and neck were obviously me having put my claim on him too, even though my Mark on his neck should have been enough. Silvia didn't mind the extra reminders, though, and neither did I.

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