Chapter 15

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After that revelation I had about how much I love my mate, I couldn't wait to tell him. I just hope he feels the same way..I pull him away from the movie and our best friends who I'm sure would rather be alone together anyways, and practically drag him to our room.

"What are you doing, love?" He asks, a suspicious look in his eyes. I don't answer, rather close our bedroom door and pull him to me. Even though my forwardness shocks him, he doesn't hesitate to respond to the kiss, grabbing onto me as though he won't ever let go.

He suddenly grabs me firmly by the hips and slams me against the wall, but not enough to hurt me of course. The kiss quickens, our need for each other growing quickly because our wolves have become impatient. As quick as it started, it's over as Liam pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Ember, not that I'm complaining, but what's going on?" He called me Ember, he never calls me that. He must be too busy fighting for control to be his usual playful self.

In response I just lean forward and kiss his jawline, trailing down to his neck. He groans and says,

"Don't tease me, love. I've waited a lot longer than normal wolves, and I'll wait forever if I have to for you, but don't tease me if you aren't ready because I can barely control myself."

As he speaks he brings me closer to him, lifting me up so I'm in my usual place with my legs around his waist.

"I realized something downstairs, something that made me want this, you even more that before." I tell him, the lean forward so that my mouth is right next to his ear, "I want you, and I want to be yours. I'm ready Liam."

Before I can even finish my sentence he is pulling me back to his lips, kissing me hard. This kiss is full of passion, wanting, but most of all, love. I can tell how much it's been hurting for him to wait this long, and I almost feel bad. Almost.

"I love you, more than anything." He tells me. Silvia is jumping for joy inside of me, and I agree.

"I love you too Liam, always." I say, and then he walks us over to the bed and lays us down.

You can pretty much guess where it went from there...

The next morning

I'm standing in front of the mirror in mine and Liam's bathroom after taking a much needed shower. I'm entranced by Liam's Mark on my neck, letting all wolves know that I'm his. He too has one from me in his neck so no she wolves will touch what's mine.

*cough* Ashley *cough*

Liam comes up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. He runs his nose against the crescent shaped bite mark on my neck and gives it a kiss. I used to think that marks were barbaric, but looking at mine now it couldn't be more perfect.

I lean back into Liam, "I love you"

"I love you more" he replies. I smile.


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