Chapter 30

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Lydia and I are in the training room, it's been way too long since I've hung out with my best friend. She has gotten me through more hard times than I can count, today included. As I'm repeatedly punching the bag in front of me, Lydia doing the same next to me, I think back to this morning when my mother arrived.

She came at me quickly, tears running sown her face as she grabbed me. She pulled my into the tightest hug i've ever had, and I hold her just as tight. The second she touched me a sob ripped through my throat.

"Mom." I sob as we hold each other. We stay like that for a good ten minutes, just hugging and crying together as everyone else leaves the room. That is, until I break down into even more sobs as I say, "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I left you there, and with them. For so long!"

My speech is broken as I can barely get the words out. She pushes back from our hug and holds my face in her thin hands,

"Don't! Don't you dare apologize for running. I was next to dead and you hadn't shifted yet. There was nothing you could do to help me. Especially after they caught you." I could hear the guilt in her voice as she remembers not being able to help we get away from the rogues. It was exactly what Liam told me she would say, and now I realize I was ridiculous for ever thinking she would hate me.

"I love you so much mom, I don't know what you've been through but I swear to you, we will kill those bastards that hurt you!" At this I really look at her. She doesn't actually have many bruises, she mainly just thin and tired looking. After hugging a few more times, I lead her upstairs to an empty room. She told me that she would give us all an explanation later on, but right now she just wants a meal, a shower, and some sleep. and so I made sure that's exactly what she got.

Lydia was trying to get me out of my head, by being her usual goofy self of course. And after the stress of the last few weeks...months? I'm not even sure anymore, but it was nice to have my friend as a distraction.

"OOooo Yeah punch that bag Babes! Get it!" She starts jumping around me, waving her arms and kicking her legs in an attempt to dance as I continue to train. I smile at her, my weirdo best friend and I'm about to start laughing when suddenly the lights go out in the training room.

I get nervous and prepare myself for a fight, but Silvia's calm in my head.

Calm down, Ember. I only smell Mate and his Beta, Jason. Huh. why'd they shut off the lights?

"Jason?" Lydia calls out to her mate, having caught his sent. I do the same and call out for Liam. Just then the lights turn on around the sparing ring, and me and Lydia head that way. We climb in the ring, trusting our mates even through this weird situation. Once we're both in the ring, the door shuts and locks. I see Jason standing there with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Hey little mate." I hear this behind me and turn to see Liam standing outside the ring, holding....a squirt gun? and a bag full of who knows what.

"Liam? Whats going on, let us out of here!" he just smiles, and through our mate bond he sends an image, a memory really.

It was of me pouring flour down his back after me and Lydia go into a food fight and then turned on our mates. I hear Lydia gasp as Jason sent her an image of the same situation.

"I told you I'd get you back for that Ember," and after he says that the boys attack.

Me and Lydia squeal as we're hit with water, and the boys laugh.

"Oh Come on that was months ago!!" I complain while being hit with water. Once we're soaked from head to toe, the boys reach in their bags and throw flour on us. SERIOUSLY?? Oh no. this was not gunna happen.

Follow my lead, I say to Lydia through the mind link. I pretend to squeal again and back into Lydia, pulling her to the ground with me.

"OW! Dammit my ankle!" Lydia immediately sees where I'm going with this and starts complaining that I fell on her wrist.

"Baby are you okay?" I hear Liam say, forgetting about their prank. I hide my face and pretend to be upset as Lydia does the same to trick Jason. They unlock the sparing ring door and come in to check on us.

NOW I yell to Lydia and we jump on our guys. I jump and wrap my arms around Liam's neck, my legs going around his waist. And since I had become thoroughly soaked from the squirt guns, now Liam was too! I also made sure to grab a handful of flour from the floor before I jumped and was now dumping that on his head. Lydia did the same as I and now the guys were just as messy as we were.

Would they ever learn? We will always win!

Liam groans, knowing he lost this battle. We were now on the floor, me on top of Liam because his wolf refused to let him fall on me. The falling happened after I jumped on him, the wet floor not supporting the quick action, bringing us both to the floor, laughing.

Lydia and Jason are right next to us laughing their asses off. Wow. The leaders of the pack are on the ground, acting like children. And it felt great. After all the stress we've had, we really needed this.

That is, until I hear someone loudly clearing their throat, and I look up to see....My Mother. Standing there looking very amused as she watched the mated pairs.

"I came to find the Alpha and Luna, to discuss all the drama.... but I see that now's not a good time." Her words may seem harsh, but the smile on her face completely contradicts her words. In fact, it's very obvious that she's enjoying seeing her daughter have fun with her mate and friends.

"Sorry mom," I say, still laughing, wow it feels weird to say that so casually after all this time, "Let us clean up and then we can talk."

"It's okay, sweetie. There's no rush." Except there kind of was a rush. we don't know what to expect in retaliation from the Rogue Alpha, and now that she's awake my mom can tell us more about him and what she's been through.

I guess it's time to get back to business.

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