Chapter 22

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After hearing Liams voice, the memories let me go. He managed to heal part of by brokenness, but not enough to wake me up right away. I don't know exactly how much time has past, but I think it must be a few days. That's what Silvia tells me anyways. Ever since Liam held me and helped me, I can talk to Silvia even though I'm not technically awake. Actually, I don't know what I am right now. 

Hey I'm all healed now so I don't know what you're doing, Silvia tells me. Stop being dramatic, Ember.

Well I'm so sorry that I don't know how to wake up! Its not my fault that we're still like this!

Yes it is! now focus. Can you feel anything? 

I didn't, but now that I'm focusing on it I think I do. 

Ugh, you're taking too long. And with that, she somehow takes over. I didn't think she could do that with my body not even working right.

I feel her pushing, trying to open our eyes. I think she may have even tried a little too hard, because the next thing I know I'm sitting up grabbing at whatever is near me, which happens to be Liam. 

"Ember! You're awake! oh thank goodness." he yells and pulls me into his lap in a tight hug.

I chuckle, "Miss me that much?" 

"YES!" he growls. "Stop doing this to me! At least this time you didn't punch me right when you woke up. I mind linked the doctor, he should be in soon"

An hour later, the doctor has checked me over and I'm free to go home. According to him, there was nothing physically wrong with me, so once I had woken up, I was as good as new. I did find out that I was 'asleep' for about a week. That has to be a new record for me!

On the drive home it's me, Liam, Lydia and Jason. They showed up with the doctor because Liam mind linked them too. 

"So update me, how the pack? Anything new?" I ask them. 

"Me and Lydia sort of stepped up as Betas and let Liam care for you this past week. We didn't explain anything to the pack yet about the Rogues, only giving them a vague explanation. I didn't know how much you wanted to tell them, since it's so personal to you." Jason says.

"Their main concern was you, of course," Lydia pipes in. "They've been asking how you are and everything, but we didn't have an answer for them. If just seemed like you were asleep, nobody knew what was wrong."

At this I frown. I know that I'm going to have to explain to them what happened, but I don't want to. What if they see me as weak? I can't let my past control my life. Luckily, I don't have to explain right now because Liam asks Jason a question,

"Is there any news on the trackers that we sent on the Rogues?" Jason nods,

"Well I told you a few days ago that they had nothing but then didn't get a chance to update you again. They caught their sent a few miles north of our territory and tracked it to their base. We know where they're staying."

I grin at this. I have been trying to get a lead on this pack of rogues for years now, and I finally have it. "Well then. We'll just have to organize an attack."

Lydia rolls her eyes at me, "Calm your tits, we have a lot of information to gather on them before we can attack."

Despite her words she sends me a knowing smile, she knows just how long I've waited for news like this. She hates them almost as much as I do. Almost. 

"Okay okay, I wont get too excited. The first thing we have to do when we get back is inform the pack on everything that's been happening. The messages, threats...and who they are."

Liam pulls me closer, "You don't have to tell them anything that you don't want to. Its your past."

"They deserve to know. Because of me, some of them lost pack members, family. Before we combined packs, two of mine were killed, remember? There has been a threat placed on all of them, and they deserve to understand why."

I can tell Liam is hesitant, he doesn't want me to freak out again because of my memories. I lean into him and place a kiss on his cheek. "It'll be alright, Liam" 

I love you, I mindlink him and he smiles. 

I love you too, he says, More than anything. If we didn't have these two annoying potatoes in the car with us right now, I'd show you just how much I've missed you this past week.

I blush, wanting more than anything for that to happen. I've definitely missed my mate!

You'll just have to wait, I tell him placing a hand on his chest and kissing his jawline. His eyes darken and I laugh

Don't tease me, Love, He threatens playfully, making me laugh even harder.

At this point I think Lydia and Jason can guess what's happening, but are choosing to stay out of it. They know how hard it must have been to be 'separated' in a way for a week. Mates aren't supposed to be away from each other that long, even if we were technically right next to each other.

When we finally reach the pack house I avoid everybody and run up to my room. Not that I don't want to see everyone, but I haven't showered in a week and am not looking cute.

Once I've showered I realize just how tired I am. I literally slept for a week, how am I tired? The doctore said this would happen, since I explained to him the I never felt like I was asleep. He said my body was resting, now I need to give my mind time to do so as well. I set an alarm for morning and go to sleep. I know tomorrow is going to be stressful, we have to have the pack meeting to expalin all the drama.


Authors note

I know this was kinda a boring chapter! Sorry! Trust me though, it'll pick up pace in the next few chapters to come!

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