Chapter 8

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One week later

The wolfsbane and silver caused the wound to take a few days to heal, werewolves heal shockingly fast, but silver slows that process. Now I am fully healed, and training. I've refused to talk to anybody this entire week, I don't want to show any weakness. One of the lower rank wolves has been bringing my meals and changing my bandages. 

This, of course, has caused Liams wolf to go crazy, as we are not meant to be away from our mates for this long, especially right in the beginning. With my Alpha hearing I've been able to hear his yelling on the other side of the pack house, even though he's been trying to hide it from me. Other time I can feel him right outside my door, not daring to enter or say anything. I feel guilty, and my wolf is suffering, that's why I've made the decision to leave my room and go train in the gym now that I'm fully healed.

I've been here for an hour already, in our packs huge training center, when I sense that a few people have come in. I stop my run on the treadmill and turn around. Liam, Lydia and her mate whose name I've learned is Jason, are standing there. I can tell that Liam is arguing with his wolf who probably wants to jump me right about now.

Making the decision for the both of us I run at him, throwing my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. From the corner of my eye I see Lydia pulling her mate away and over to the sparing mats. 

"I'm sorry" I say with my face nuzzled in his neck. His response is to just to wrap his arms around me tighter, so that there is absolutely no space between us. We only met a week ago and we haven't talked yet, but I feel as though I've known him forever, because we are each others perfect other half. 

"We'll talk later" he says, and then walks us over to where Lydia and Jason are sparing, me still clinging to him like a koala. The rest of our training was just me instructing Lydia and Liam instructing Jason as they sparred, as our wolves wouldn't let us let go of each other long enough to get anything done.

Later that day

Stop being a wimp and just talk to him. He's our mate, he'll understand. Silvia says inside my head. 

I know, I'm just scared. What if he rejects us? I'm broken, covered in ugly scars, and not exactly easy to get along with, I tell her, I cant do it..

At that she gets mad and takes over. She walks into my bedroom where Liam is waiting to talk to me. "Ember-" he starts.

"Nope. This is Silvia, her wolf. She was too much of a scardy cat to come in here, so I took over. I'll give her back control in a minute, but I need to ask something first. Are you planning on rejecting us?"

"What? No! Why would I ever reject my mate?" 

"Good, that's all I needed to know. Don't give up on her, she's been through a lot and though she would never admit it, she needs help." she tells him. 

Damn you Silvia. Give me back control! She just chuckles and then says to Liam, "She is seriously pissed off at me right now, which you will learn is something you never want, so I'll give her back control." She walks up to Liam, places a hand on his face and kisses him on the cheek,"I know you'll take care of us Mate."

She give me back control as I'm still standing very close to him with my hand on his cheek. I blush and step back. "I'm sorry. She just-" He interrupts me by pulling me into a hug. 

"Don't apologize, at least one of you wants to speak with me."

I sigh, "I deserved that. I'm really sorry, this past week I let my past take over my mind, and I didn't want anybody seeing me like that. Weak. I shouldn't have hurt you like that though..."

He pulls out of the hug just a little bit, enough to softly grab my face with him hands, "It's okay, just please, never shut me out again. I just want to be with you, my little mate."

"You're really not going to reject me?"

"Never." He growls out. "You're mine. Not my possession, as you said that day we met, but my equal, my mate. And I'm yours." I let out a happy sigh and smile. 

"Okay, then I'm willing to give this a try if you are. I, Ember Raven, accept you, Liam Moore, as my mate."

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