Chapter 19

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The next day me and Liam are walking through the woods in our wolf forms, relaxing after a long day a Alpha duties, when we both suddenly smell something wrong. The smell of rotten eggs mixed with wet dog. Rogues.

Warriors to the west woods, rogues were smelled, but we dont know how many Liam mind links the pack.

Me and Liam wait for backup, but also not letting the scent get away from us. Once we have pack support, we move. The scent brings us right up to the boarded of our pack territory. But once we get there its no longer just a scent.

Looking just beyond the boarder I freeze. It's him. Well, them. The Alpha and Beta of the Rogue pack. The pack and people that killed my family, kidnapped me, and tortured me for years. I stand in front of my pack, protecting. I know that they wont cross the boarder, and neither will we. I know it kills Liam not to be able to attack them right now, but we aren't prepared to start this war. Not yet.

"I just wanted to stop by. To make sure that your taking my messages as seriously as I am."

His voice. It threatens to send me back into a dark place, one where the memories take over and its as though I'm twelve years old again. But I have to be strong for my pack. I can't show my weakness.

"I will kill all of you" he addresses my pack, "Until I have her." He points right at me. Liam lets out a huge growl, his Alpha power making everybody, even the rogue alpha, flinch. Most of our pack is confused right now, as we have kept them in the dark about the enitre situation, not thinking that it would get to this point. Clearly we were wrong.

"Keep a close eye on your pack, Ember. They're but flies to me, easy to kill and meaningless in my life. I will have you back." he says. Then he motions to his pack to leave, shifts, and runs until out of view.

It's not until they are completely out of view, and I know that they can't see my weaknesses, that my mind succumbs to dark, to the past that will not let me go.


Authors note

Ugh he's such a creep to me. Should I give him a name? I kinda like that he doesn't have one yet just cuz he's such a jerk. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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