Chapter 20

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Somewhere deep inside, I know that its not real, that I'm just trapped within my own mind. That knowledge doesn't help me though, as I re-experience the torture.

The whip comes down again on my back, slicing, scarring. I cry and scream, begging to everybody and nobody for them to stop.

I feel hands. Shaking me, carrying me away. Muffled sounds tell me that someone's talking but I'm too gone to hear it.

Im chained to the wall, dirty, bruised, beaten. The Beta stands in front of me.
"I'd been looking forward to having my fun with you. Show you a real man. But your too disgusting to even look at now, consider yourself lucky"
I remember this being the only time I was grateful for the beatings...

The voices are louder, yelling. Someone grabs my arms and shakes me, sending me further...

"How dare you!" He says as he grabs tops of my arms and shakes my roughly. Those will definitely bruise. "Whore! Did I say you could eat?! You tricked MY guard into giving you food?!" He backhands my face, and I fall to the floor. He keeps yelling as he begins to kick me.

"You" kick "are" kick "nothing." kick "Worthless" kick "mutt" kick
He leans down to my broken frame, "for this you won't eat for a month"
I don't show my tears. I never do. But I have them as I lay here, worried for my life. My wolf is already too weak since she hasn't shifted yet. Idk if she can keep me alive for a whole month without food.

This time I hear a actual voice, "come on love. Come back to us" it says softly. I feel my body wrapped in a warm embrace, and this time when I fall back in to my mind, it's just blackness. I sleep..

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