Chapter 40

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Liams POV

I lost track of Ember pretty quickly once the fighting began. We fought hard, and it was easy to see that we had the upper hand. These cowardly rogues couldn't stand against a real pack. Especially not one ran by two strong Alphas.

I catch a glimpse of movement in the trees where Ember entered the clearing at. I may not be able to smell who it is, rogue or not. But my wolf told me to follow him, and since wolf senses are a lot better than humans I trust his instincts. I run after the wolf in the woods and it soon turns into a chase. I let Vic take over and he lunged at the wolf, knocking him down. Once he's down I get a good look at him, it's the Rogue Alpha.

Unfortunately he doesn't stay down for long. He swiftly swipes a paw at my face, and his claws dig in. This only angers Vic though, who began fighting back by landing a bite on the rogues side. I hate this man. How dare he touch MY MATE. This man can't even fight! I toy with him for a while, knowing it's not my right to kill him even though Vic is in my head begging to be allowed to kill the monster that hurt our Ember.

LIAM?!! Where are you?? I hear in my mind as ember opens up our link. Its hard to respond properly while fighting though, so I allow her to see through my eyes so she knows what's happening.

Not even a minute later I see my gorgeous mate running towards us. I quickly knock the alpha to the ground and shift back to my human form.

"Shift" I command. But he doesn't. He stands up on his four legs and growls at me. By now Ember has reached us and when his disobeys me I hear her roar load. I look at her and she nods,

"SHIFT" we both command him, and he has no other choice by to shift. Our Alpha command together was too powerful for his wolf to deny. An ugly naked man stands before us, and I feel Ember tense up. This man destroyed her. And now she will finally get to kill him. I put a hand on her lower back, trying to ignore the fact that she's naked. I hate him seeing her body, but now is not the time to be a possessive mate. Now is the time to be supportive. I move to behind the ugly man so he can't run away, and as I do I see wolves coming from the woods. The fight must be over, and all that's left is the Alpha.

Ember notices them too and smiles evilly at the man. "You lost, Alpha." She sneers at him. As she walks toward him he scrambled away whimpering. "HA! Who would've thought that the oh so tough Rogue Alpha turns into a whimpering little bitch once his protection is taken away."

I've never seen her like this before. Never heard such a hateful tone in her voice. She's half shifted, claws and fangs out. I push the weak man forward once he's backed up enough to get close to me, and Ember takes this as her time to strike.

Embers POV

I should have know I wouldn't be able to completely control myself. As soon as Liam pushes the ugly man in my direction, I lose it. I lunged at him with my claws, striking his face. Which I then follow with a punch in the same location. My hand comes back with blood on it and I smile. At this point my vision is tunneled on the man who made my life hell for so many years. I beat him more, toying with my kill.

Endora took her turn, choosing to burn him like he did her coven. I love that witch. As flames dance over his arms and legs she giggles, finding his screams funny. I promised her a chance to hurt him, but now it's time. As much as I want him to suffer, I want him gone more. I want a normal life where I'm not looking over my shoulder, scared of being taken again.

When the flames die out I take a final look at him. His face is bloody and swollen, nearly his entire body is burnt, and he looks into my eyes. Begging me not to kill him. I just let out a small laugh and grab him by the throat. Silvia and I have equal control as I slowly let my claws dig into his throat. Then in one swift move, I tear out his throat. His lifeless body drops to the ground, and I feel numb. It's over.

I feel fabric being wrapped around me and then I'm picked up bridal style. We walk back through the clearing and my eyes scan all the dead bodies. I see Lydia, Jason, and Endora alive and well. Beat to hell, but alive. Not everyone was so lucky though. Silvia whines as she sees her dead pack members. I let out a whimper and Liam pulls me closer, not allowing me to look.

"Let me down, I should be helping people." I tell him, but his hold only tightens a bit.

"We just fought for our lives, your beat up and injured, Love. I could have lost you, so no. I'm not letting you down. I am going to hold my mate." I didn't realize how much pain I was in until he mention my injuries. He only has a couple bruises and scratches, but I have a deep scratch across my stomach, a bite mark in my shoulder, and a slash across my chest, along with bruises from fighting. Alpha Asshole must have had his good warriors go after me, because as I look around I can tell that most people who lived don't have many bad injuries. Thank goddess.

Twenty five dead. For a war that's considered good, but I feel as though I've been stabbed twenty five times. Liam feels it too, but not as harshly as the Luna. Liam brings me to the hospital to be checked out, and doesn't leave my side the whole time. He can feel how vulnerable I am right now.

Later that night, cuddled up with my wonderful mate, I fully relax ...maybe for the first time since I was taken. I take my head off Liams chest to look up at him. I smile so big my cheeks hurt,

"It's over." I say. He returns my smile and places a kiss on my head. Then my nose. Then finally my lips. He kisses me; a passionate, love filled kiss. And I return the same amount of passion.

"It's over" he says after pulling away. He strokes a hand across my baby bump and kisses me again. I could definitely get used to being this happy.

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