A little too busy -chapter 3-

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Ink's POV

Work started to become more harder with all these new aus around. I hardly have time for Nighty. Before I knew it, I had no time left.
Sometimes I wished the creators would just stop, but that won't happen at all, or anytime soon. My mind went to think about Nightmare. Will he be okay? Will he get hurt? Will he think I just left him?
I shook my head and got rid of those thoughts. I'm sure Nightmare will be fine. I mean, I won't be gone for long.

Boy was I wrong...
Error attacked almost everyday making me tiered and beaten up by the end. It been weeks, I don't know how many, but I haven't seen Nighty in a long time. I missed his face, his voice, his gentle sweet laugh, and how un-perfect he is.
I remember telling him about Error and how much I hate him. Nightmare was curious about how many others there were out there. I really wished I knew, but I didn't. I mean I don't think I know all the au's. Nor does Error as well.

I later down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Small glow in the dark stars, scattered across making it almost look like the night sky. I put them up because they reminded me of Nightmare. I turned onto my side and fell asleep.

Nightmare's POV

My body ached. I was in pain from the past couple days because villagers beaten me up pretty badly. I cried for a long time. Why was I so weak? Why can't I be like Dream? Where was Ink? Did he forget me? I cried more. I thought he was my friend. I told him things I never told anyone. What if he never forgot me? What if he was too busy?
I took out my journal and began to write in it. I wrote down my thoughts, and what I thought of others. I heard a portal open, so I look up and saw Dream. He came back earlier than normale, but the time difference wasn't huge.
As normale, Dream sit's down next to me as I close my journal and put is away. Dream looked sleepy, I brought him close to me and we both fell asleep.

My eyes slowly opened and I saw that Dream had left, but this time he left a note.

Dear Nightmare,
I will be around noon. Please don't hurt yourself today.

"Don't hurt yourself" I repeated quietly. It's the villagers house do that not me. Just then the note was snatched from my hands and I looked up. They are back again today. I stood up, I didn't have any place to back up. The villagers started to corner me to the tree. My soul was pounding out of my chest. I was terrified.
Rocks were thrown at me. Jokes were made about me, and how weak I am. I fell down. My hands shaking nd my vision blurred. I looked up and saw the apples. The turned my focus on the black apple.
I stood up dizzy and grabbed a negativity apple. Everyone was still cornering me, I saw Dream coming out of the portal. I bite the apple. Pain shot through my body. Monsters and village people started to back up. My bones cracked and goop started to come out. I heard Dream telling everyone to stand back. I felt betrayed, he didn't care much. Did he?
Hate filled me up. Everything became black and then, I standing up tall. There was no pain at all. Everyone was scared. I could feel their fear.
I felt powerful, not weak. I had tentacles coming from my back, and I was able to control them easy. Village mobs started to dart towards me. I killed them one by one. Dream escaped however. I opened a portal, I didn't bother looking back because I have no intentions to go back there.

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