Where are you? -Chapter 4-

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Ink's POV

Finally I had time! I guess Error tired himself out. I got ready to see Nightmare. I wrapped my cuts and bruises with a bandage. I did it to the best of my ability. I found some fresh clothes and put them on.
The portal opened and I walked through. My eye light changed and I was shocked. The place was covered in blood and dead body's. The smell was unbearable. The tree was cut down and Nightmare was no where to be seen. I started to panic.
"What happened!?" Worried filled me up. It was worry for Nightmare. I left the place. Knowing that Nightmare was dead or either left the place.
I lay down on my bed and cried. I cried hard and I did it for a long time, until I fell asleep. Many weeks gone by and I haven't left my home or the doodle sphere.
I was lucky that Error hasn't done anything.

Nightmare's POV

It been months since I left Dreamtale. I made a group of sanses who kill and spread negativity around. We gone to aus and created strong feelings of negativity, I fed off of those feelings and got stronger.
I scanned the au. I couldn't see Ink anywhere. Maybe he was just gone.
I tried to get Ink off my mind, but I just couldn't. He was precious to me, and I felt like I lost him. My soul had a gap without him.

Dream's POV

"Ink, Blue and I have to go" I told Ink. Ink looked up and nodded. I may have a small crush on Ink, but I can tell Ink likes someone else. I wonder who? His feelings tell me that he aches and misses them dearly. That's why I never let Ink go with us anywhere. I'm afraid of him seeing or finding this other or one he loves.
The thing is, I don't understand why I can't check Ink's soul. Usually I can check others souls and know their LV and HP, the ones they love, and the ones they miss and lost. It's like a way for me to see if someone they cared about died or not. Ink's soul won't let me check. I tried doing it while he sleeps, while he is sitting and lying around. It just doesn't work.
I know for sure Ink does not like Blue, because the aura doesn't change from Ink missing someone. I know Ink pretty well, and we grew close. So why doesn't he like me?
I putted bars on his windows and lock his door at night and I casted a spell on the house so no one can teleport in or out. So there is no possible way for him to go out really. Not to mention he never really tries to go outside.
I shook my head and left with Blue. Off the fight Nightmare and his gang.

Ink's POV

It was another late night. Dream and Blue came back late and I was in my bed. I wasn't asleep nor was I tired. I heard my door close, and Dream locked it. I find it kinda sketchy how Dream just locked my door and not Blue's door. I had asked Dream before, but he told me it was to keep me safe, and if Blue and him had to go, they could both easily leave.
I really wanted to find Nightmare. Lucky I can go through any liquid. However the liquid won't dry and leave zero trace of where I gone to, unless if I use my brush. I found a jar earlier today and put water inside of it. The jar was small and I was able to put in my pocket. I chosen water because it wouldn't stain or leave any trace of any sort.
I lay silently. I could hear Dream and Blue talking.

"Wow, that fight was really tiring. Huh Dream?"
"Yeah. There are many of them and only two of us"
"Well I think we make a great team"
"Heh, yeah. I just hope Nightmare's team doesn't get anymore members"

I froze. Nightmare? He was alive? I calmed myself down a little. I had to wait till later. I took the information I just newly gathered and thought about it. I'm on the wrong team. Oh boy Dream. I'm not here for long, not the way he had locked me up. He must have known that I missed someone. Nightmare told me how Dream and him can know what others are feeling and/or thinking just from the ara. He must have known that I missed someone. "Just you wait Dream..."

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