Dewy Morning -Chapter 13-

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Dream's POV

It was heavily foggy this morning and the grass sprung wet droplets up my legs at I walked through it. The ground was soft, but not muddy. The air had a sweet sent to it, just like fresh flowers in the garden. It would be explained because I was in fact walking through my flower garden.
The flowers were freshly bloomed and random pops of colour here and there reminded me of Ink. I gently touched the silk like petals of a tulip. The delicate feeling reminded me of how precious Ink was to me. He doesn't understand. I only locked him up to protect him from the dangers of the multiverse. I saw those nasty cuts, bruises and other injuries Error gave him when they fought.
Yet I thought of Nightmare having Ink in his hands. If Ink never met him, non of this would have happened. Nightmare messed things up and turns things the other way from my way. I see that I just need to... adjust my plans a little...

Ink's POV

I woke up and sat up. Stretching my arms up into the sky. My eyes felt dewy and relaxed. For once I felt relaxed. I don't have to worry about being locked up, I don't have to worry about fighting Error and getting hurt. I don't even have to worry about anything much anymore, or that's what it felt like.
I looked down next to me to see a sleepy Nighty hugging my waist. He was nuzzled into my waist so gently and peacefully, he looked cute. A smile beamed onto my face. Knowing he was there for me was the best thing I could have.
I looked away, placing my hand on his head gently petting him as I looked out the balcony window. It was a dewy morning with fog. However I could see a decent amount of area, so it wasn't that bad.
I felt Nightmare get up and he sat next to me. "Good morning Inky, I see your up early" he spoke in a soft quiet tone. "Good morning Nighty" I replied, nuzzling the side of his face. Nightmare never said anything but pull me onto his lap and held me there. I looked at him in a questioning manner. At that moment he started giving me small pecks all over my face. They all tickled which made me giggle. Just then, he kissed me. I kisses back instantly, melting into it. Enjoying it. After a few minutes of snogging he asked me a question.
"Ink, will you be my boyfriend?" I felt butterflies form inside of me. "YES! yes! yes! yes!" I replied, agreeing happily. This was the happiest morning I ever felt. Nightmare hugged me and I hugged back. I could tell he was just as happy as I was.

Killer's POV

We been up all morning. I was throwing up in the bathroom, Horror and Dust with me, rubbing my back and giving me water when I was done. We never left because I couldn't stop. It would come back a few minutes later and each time felt more painful than the last.
When an hour came by without me puking, Horror and Dust helped me up. As I got up, we heard Ink yell 'yes' in pure happiness. Guess Nightmare grew the guts to ask Ink. About time, but I'm everyone is awake with eyes wide open now. Ink sure yells loud.

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