Sneaking out -Chapter 5-

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Ink's POV

I waited for an hour to go by. I took the jar filled with water and drenched broomie with it. I slashed the floor and gone to the doodle sphere. There, I can fill my vials and get ink for my broomie.
I stepped in the liquid and fell in. The took my first few steps in the doodle sphere for the first time in months. I filled my vials and got some ink. I then left to look for Nightmare.
I went through the aus in alphabetic order. I was searching non stop. I sat down at a tree in an au. I don't know which au because I lost track. I all know is the au was abandoned. No one here.
I sat down and cried in my knees. I couldn't find him. I lost him.
"You idiot! This is my fault. Only if I visited him more, he wouldn't be gone!" I started to blame myself. This was my fault.
The air was cold, but it didn't bother me. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want Dream to find me. "I can stay here for a while. I haven't been outside for awhile" I softly spoke. My hands were shaking. I didn't want to go back to Dream. I will go back to the doodle sphere afterwards. My real home. My head filled with the thought of Dream. "I HATE YOU DREAM!" my anger took over me. I hated how Dream kept me locked up, how he didn't let me use my magic. He didn't care about what I wanted, only what he wanted and that's all what mattered. The only thing I hated most about this all, is how I fell into his little trap. Tears filled my eye sockets again. Maybe if I wasn't locked up for so long, maybe I would have found Nightmare already. Just then, I heard a voice. "Ink you know you shouldn't be here".
It was Dream. I turned around swiftly. "You... YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled at Dream not caring if anyone was able to hear me, not that anyone could but still. "Aww, why's that? Why don't you come back and we can talk about your rules and compare them to your actions" The way Dream had said that made me more mad. He said it like it was no big deal. What was I? A 1950 housewife to him?
"NO! I'M NOT GOING TO BE LOCKED UP AGAIN! I'M SICK OF YOUR BULLSHIT DREAM!" my voice was loud and over powering. I can tell Dream was becoming impatient with me. I then turned around and darted off.
"YOU WON'T GET FAR INK! I WILL ALWAYS FIND YOU!" I didn't want to go back to him. I wanted to find Nightmare. I closed my eyes shut tight and closed. I ran until it something. No wait... it was someone.
This person had teleported me with them somewhere. I looked up at there face. It was a he and he had only one eye. He was covered in goop. "Who are you?" I asked. This new person looked down and chuckled. "Ink you probably don't remember me". He knew my name! I haven't seen this guy around at all.
"How do you know my name?" I wanted to know. "You probably don't recognize me but, I'm Nightmare" he said. My felt like I was going to dust away. Oh boy, has he changed...

(A/N: sorry it's a short chapter but I will make a longer one)

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