Bonding -Chapter 8-

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Nightmare's POV

I woke up at 5:32 am. Ink was still sleeping next to me. He was looking cute all snuggled up in my arms. Unfortunately I had to get out of bed and get stuff done. Mainly I wanted to make sure Ink was safe. Dream may be weak when exposed to extending amounts of negativity. The base here is heavy loaded with negativity, but that doesn't mean Dream can't mange to get here. It just takes him the mass of his positivity and magic, in the results of him losing his energy to the point where he will have trouble to fight.
I inhaled deeply and exhale slowly. I didn't have worry about that this early in the morning. Later on in time I will worry about it. I took a look at Ink, "Heh, sleeping beauty much" I whisper. I got up and got ready for the day. I was ready and done by 6:53am, even then Ink was still sleeping. I walked over to the balcony, peering outside at the garden and noticed it started to rain. The soft patter sound when it hit the glass was soothing. I heard a soft groan from behind me. I turned around to see Ink waking up.

Ink's POV

I stretched and yawned. I noticed Nightmare standing by the balcony window. I got up and out of bed making my way over to him ."Good Morning Nighty!" I slept good and was in a good mood.  Nightmare wrapped his arm around me and gave the greeting back wrapping his arms around me turning it to a hug. It was the warmth I liked. I was always cold, but being cold didn't bother me. I was just like that just because I didn't have a soul, and Nightmare knew that.

"Ink, I would like to know your schedule for your vials" Nightmare had cut my thoughts off. "Hm? Oh, well I take them once a week. All colours into one cup, each vial should be empty. However if there is an aura, like how you and Dream have, and if it's strong I'll have to take that vail of the opposite emotion double amount or twice a week" I explained to Nightmare to the best of my abilities. "Hmm, okay. Thank you Ink" Nightmare responded. Nightmare then gently proceed to pick me up.
I could feel my face heat up. This action Nightmare did made me flustered a bit. "Can we go to the doodle sphere?" I asked, hoping that he would say yes. "Mm, sure. I see why not" I got the answer I want. So I opened a portal, so Nightmare didn't have to swim through paint. Plus I didn't really want to swim today in paint. I held onto Nightmare as he started to walk in. This place that was grey because I left it for so long was now shining just as yellow as how it was ment to be. Gold and strong.
Nightmare sat down but I still held on to him.
"You know you can let go, right?" Nightmare informed me. "I know, but you're just so warm. Plus I haven't hanged out with you for so long" I replied, wanting to be held by him. My body wanted his warmth, and I enjoyed it.
"So no one can enter this place?" Nightmare asked. "Nope, only me. Unless is I give someone permission to have access here. When I do gives someone permission, I will know when they enter and leave. Just like Error's void. He will know if someone entered and leave, as long as they have permission" I explained to Nightmare. "Ah, I see. I will take it that you still envy Error?" I could tell Nightmare wanted to know these things so he could help keep me safe. "Yeah, but he hasn't really done anything for a long while. I guess he figured out I was gone or something" I thought of Error for a vast moment. "He's not gone, but he did figure out that you gone missing and didn't really find any joy in destroying if there wasn't someone he could fight" Nightmare said. "I guess that makes sense" It did in fact make more sense than what I tried saying.
"So, how did you meet the others?" I wanted to know how he met the gang. "I went to au's that had high negativity coming from them. Higher than others, and when I found them, I promised them I would give them a chance to have another life. I did keep that promise and now they are so very happy and not alone" Nightmare was like a father or a really good friend to them, or that's how saw it. "So your like their dad?" I joked. Nightmare shook me roughly, "I am like a friend to them! But yes I do consider them as family sometimes" Nightmare stop shaking me. I started laughing and I could here Nightmare chuckle. Both of our joyful cheers mixing into one another until we stopped.
"Hey Nightmare" I looked up at him. I was laying on the ground next to him. "Hm? What is it?" He looked down at me. "Tonight can we go somewhere to stargaze?" This was an activity we haven't done together in a while. Nightmare thought about it for a moment, "Sure, I see why not". I sat up and hugged him. "I will take us to a nice place" Nightmare hugged me back.

Ink's POV

I grabbed a jacket and placed it on the bed, hoping I won't forget it when Nightmare and I leave to go stargazing. "SUPPER IS READY!" Horror called. I came down and grabbed me food. Tonight it was pirogies and ham. It was really good.
I sat down on the couch, close to Nightmare but was I giving him room. We all ate while watching movies and channels on the tv. When we all finished, everyone's plate and dishes gone into the sink so Dust and Killer could wash them. Nightmare then took my hand and took me through a portal.
"We are in Outertale. The best place to go stargazing" Nightmare said. I was still holding his hand. We were on what seamed like a cliff, but the sky looked so cool and pretty. "Woah!" I was taking back. The sight was truly astonishing.
We both took our seats and other sanses started to arrive. I saw Error and Error saw me. I thought he would attack me but he just smiled. So I smiled back, and then I noticed he was holding hands with Reaper sans. That was cute to me. Error was always scared of being touched, but he is holding hands with literal death.
I turned away and cuddled against Nightmare. I felt Nightmare's arm wrap around me, giving me warmth. I looked up and so did Nightmare.
Watching stars shoot across the sky was relaxing. I looked back down after looking up for so long. Looking around, I spotted someone. Two skeletons in the distance, their figures looking somewhat similar in an odd way. Then I recognized them when they got closer. It was Dream and Blue. "Nightmare, Dream is here..."

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