Chapter 28

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1 year later

A year has passed since Mitch showed up on laineys doorstep, a year since she discovered her husband never died. Only in the last year her life became so much better.

She now lived with Rebecca and her son, in the same house. But after Noah really died Lainey began to change it, and now she always felt at home. After a long 6 months of custody battles and court visits, Rebecca finally got him back and Lainey felt as if she had a family. Lainey was happy, happy with her job and happy with Mitch, she thanks the world almost everyday that he showed up and helped her realize what living was, and Mitch too thanked the world for this exact same reason.

Lainey walked into her house with a bag of groceries in her hand "hey" she called out. She walked through to the kitchen and dropped the bag on the counter.

She heard the sounds of little shoes hitting against the wooden floor of the living room, she smiled as a young boy came running into the kitchen and towards her "hey Charlie" she smiled. She crouched down with open arms and he ran into them, tackling her with a hug. She stood up as swung him around him her Arms, as he laughed happily.

Rebecca walked in and smiled when she seen how happy Charlie was, she too would admit her life had become better when he died.

Lainey let out a small breath and put Charlie back onto the ground "you are getting heavy buddy" she smiled

Laineys phone rang In her pocket, she took it out and answered

"We've got a case" Mitch said down the phone

"Alright, I'll be out there by tomorrow" Lainey told him "I'll meet you there?" She asked

She hadn't seen Mitch in a month, he had been on a separate case by himself. She was just catching up on file work, they hadn't been on many cases together. Resulting in more time away then together

"I mean, I could just stand at your door all night"

A smile spread across laineys face. She dropped her phone on the counter and ran out to the front door, she pulled it open and seen Mitch standing with open arms. She felt as if it had been a life time since she seen him, she spent most nights worrying about him getting hurt.

She jumped into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could "oh I missed you so much"
She pulled away from the hug and looked him up and down "are you okay, you didn't get hurt?" She asked

He nodded "I'm fine, it was an easy case" he reassured

"So you flew from Virginia, to here just to fly back out?" Lainey asked

"What can I say?" Mitch asked "I missed you"

"Well come on then" Lainey walked into the house and Mitch followed. Shutting the door behind him, she walked through the kitchen and grabbed 2 sodas from her fridge, Mitch walked in and she handed him one.

Charlie sat at the table coloring a page, he looked up and smiled happily at Mitch "Mitch" he exclaimed

"Hey buddy" Mitch ruffled his hair

Rebecca turned from the cabinet "Mitchell" she greeted

Mitch looked at Lainey with a dead stare "really?" He asked

She put her hands up defense "she heard me on the phone"
"So you know much about this case?" She asked

He shrugged "Not Much, just a name..sienna rose"

"Youse finally got a case together?" Rebecca asked "it's about time" she scoffed

"Tell me about it" Lainey agreed "they had me on paper work for the last month, just because I spiked a fever and got the actual flu"

Ever since Laineys accidental poisoning, she had to keep an eye on her health. Due to the long term effects, last months she had the flu but Irene insisted she took some time to assure she was in good health

"Yeah" Rebecca sighed "sorry about that"

"Oh I already have a flight booked" Mitch told Lainey "it's for a 9 tonight"

She nodded "oh I'm actually excited to finally be back out there" she smiled "it's been too long"


Stan dropped a case on the table "Sienna rose. She is a 29 year old mother of a 1 year old girl lily. She lives in Boston Her husband is josh rose is a mastermind killer and is collecting things to make what looks an atomic bomb. He has also been known to give money to innocent people in trade of work. He needs be found dead or alive." He explained

"So where does sienna come unit this?" Lainey asked

"She has to know something. And the more we find out about him the better" he told her

"The wives always have to know something" Lainey sighed

"You know it" Stan nodded "youse a flying out in an hour, get your things ready" He ordered before walking out

Mitch turned and looked at Lainey "You ready" he asked

She sighed "Mitchel, you ask that too often. I'm always ready" She winked and flipped her hair jokingly

He chuckled "Alright don't get cocky" he joked


Lainey and Mitch stood outside siennas door, Lainey rang the ball and a minute passed before the door was pulled open

"Sienna rose." Mitch asked

She nodded "Yes. Who's asking"

"We are Lainey cole and Mitch rapp we are from the cia"......

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