Chapter 14

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Lainey hung her head over the toilet for the third time today, it had been 3 days of nothing but constant vomiting

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Lainey hung her head over the toilet for the third time today, it had been 3 days of nothing but constant vomiting. She assumed it was a bug but it was beginning to last a lot longer.

Noah walked into the bathroom with a bottle of water  "drink this sweetie" he handed it to her

"This isn't me" she sighed "I don't get sick"

Noah sat down beside his wife, on the cold
Floor of their bathroom. "baby everyone gets sick" he smiled softly

"It's not normal" she moaned "it's been 3 days"

Laineys phone vibrated against the tile floor. She picked it up and read the notification

Flo -
Current cycle has lasted longer that the last one. Update any change

Lainey clicked on the notification and the app opened up, the first thing she seen on screen was "period. 5 days late"

"Oh god" she gasped "Noah, my period is late"

"What?" He asked

"It's late. My period is late" she repeated.

Lainey stood up from the ground and walked over to the cabinet under the sink, she opened it and rooted around until she pulled out a box of pregnancy tests. They had been trying a few months prior but then Noah had gotten a promotion and Lainey decided to wait for another year.


The timer on laineys phone went off and she quickly hit it silent. She looked at Noah and turned the test over, and on as clear as day were 2 pink lines.

She covered her mouth with her hand "Oh my god" she whispered. She felt the tears brim her eyes as she looked at the positive test "Noah, we are having a baby" she smiled

"I'm gonna be a dad" he smiled "I'm gonna be a dad!" He exclaimed happily. He grabbed laineys face and kissed her passionately "I'm gonna be a dad" he cheered

Lainey laughed as Noah danced around the bedroom. Cheering about his unborn baby and how excited he was.  Lainey watched happily, she looked at him as he quickly stopped. "Noah what's wrong?" She asked

Noah turned around and Lainey gasped as she saw a hole in his head, and blood dripping it from it "oh god" she shrieked. She felt pain shoot hoops her abdomen, an unbearable pain. She looked down and seem a hole were a bullet had landed "oh.. oh god"

Lainey jolted awake, she quickly sat up in the bed and felt her whole body shake from the dream she just had.

Night had fallen in this new place and Lainey though she might have actually got one night without a nightmare.

She looked at her phone and seen it was late. She noticed the date on her phone and felt her heart ache.. 3 years... 3 years since everything in her life fell apart. She shook her head stood from her bed and put on her trainers. She walked down the stairs quietly, trying not to wake anyone else in the house. She reached the front door and walked out of the house quietly.

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