Chapter 25

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Mitch slowly pushed Lainey onto the bed as he continued to kissed her. Lainey never wanted this to end, the taste of his mouth taking control of hers was all she ever needed. Mitch pulled away from her and pulled off his shirt, Laineys eyes met with all his scars, each one telling a different story. She smiled and pulled off her shirt, she unclipped her bra and threw it across the room "whoops" she smiled.

she stood up from the bed and undone her pants, she slowly kicked them off. She smiled at Mitch as he stared at her body, she walked into the bathroom "come on Mitchell" she led with her finger. She walked in and ran the shower

Mitch quickly kicked off his pants and followed Lainey into the bathroom, he pushed her harshly against the wall and she gasped as he kissed her. It was if he wanted to bruise her lips, as if he was pouring all his anger into her, but she too kissed him just as hard. It was like the both wanted control.

Mitch moved down to Laineys neck. He sucked slowly on her neck and she let out small moans of satisfaction. The water beads dripping down her body, mitch began to move further down, continuing to kiss her. Until he reached that spot

"Oh god" she exhaled "oh fuck" she felt ecstasy take over her body, she was satisfied from inside to outside. She pulled Mitch up and slammed him against the wall, she sucked on his lips as if they were popsicles.

She felt him tense up as she began to move lower, she kissed every scar that covered his chest. She looked down and seen why he had tensed up.

This continued for most of the night, they were together. The were with each other. They became one with each other as they met the others desires and needs. They forgot about jobs and bosses and dead husbands. They forgot about it all for one night. One amazing, exciting night


Lainey woke up the next morning to the sound of Mitch's alarm.  She sat up in the bed and yawned, she tried to stretch over Mitch to turn off his alarm,  but lost her balance and landed on him instead. Mitch's eyes slowly opened and he glanced down and seem Lainey smiling innocently back up at him "sore I may have fell"

"Oh no, this is how I like to be woken up" he joked

Lainey rolled her eyes at Mitch and sat up in the bed "today's the day" she Announced

Mitch rubbed her leg "you ready?" He asked

She nodded "Yeah, I'm more then ready to take him down. Once and for all, I want him dead"
"So last night?" She asked to change the topic of conversation

"Yeah" he nodded

"What happens now?" She asked

"Well today, we take down your husband and Tomorrow I take you out" he smiled

Lainey tutted "oh you know, I think I actually have a date tomorrow" she nodded

"Oh really?" Mitch asked

"Yeah. I mean, he seems nice. But I gotta make sure he's not running a dangerous business first"

"Or is an assassin" Mitch added

"That too" she nodded. She looked at Mitch happily "that sounds like a plan"

"So dead husband today, and date tomorrow?" He asked

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