Chapter 2

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Mitch arrived in Chicago 12 hours later, ready to take on another case. Knowing everything about Lainey smith he wasn't at all worried. He sat in his hotel room pondering over her case file

Name: Lainey maria Smith
Gender: female
Spouse: Noah John Smith (deceased)
Parents: Isabel and Shawn Cole (deceased)
Siblings: none

Mother and father Isabel and Shawn Cole
Both died in a house fire when Lainey was 18 years old.

Profession: none
Education: high school

Mitch closed the case and wondered what a woman like her would have to do with this.


Hours later Lainey was awoken by her alarm, she slowly turned over and hit it off. She rolled out of bed and got ready to live yet another boring day.

She walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth, as she spat out the last of the toothpaste she sipped some water from the faucet and swooshed it around her mouth. She grabbed all her hair and quickly tied it up in an elastic before spitting The water out. She made her way down the stairs and straight to her kitchen to make her morning coffee

"Morning Sweetie" she smiled at the picture of Noah on the countertop. Pouring her coffee she yawned from tiredness "Another day another coffee" she sighed before taking a sip of the strong hot coffee

The doorbell rang and she forcefully swallowed the coffee causing her to almost choke. She wasn't expecting anyone, no one ever came to her house, she didn't have anyone to stop by

The doorbell chimed again"Coming" she yelled
Lainey Tied her robe quickly and walked to the door.

She opened it and a young man was standing in front of her. He was tall and had a well-built body. His hair was medium length and sat naturally with no products. He had stubble covering around his mouth and chin. He was wearing a tight black shirt that showed every muscle on his arms.

"Um.. hi" Lainey finally spoke to the unrecognizable man in front of her

"Lainey Smith" Mitch asked

Lainey crossed her arms "Who's asking" she asked back

"Mitch Rapp. I'm from the CIA. May I ask you some questions" he inquired

Lainey's brown eyes enlarged with shock at what the stranger at her door had just announced. The CIA.. the actual CIA."Do I have a choice" Lainey asked

Mitch sighed frustrated with how many questions this woman had. He just wanted this one to be easy. "No" he replied blankly

Lainey finally stood aside letting Mitch into her home. Mitch scanned her house before walking any further.

Lainey shut the door behind him and gestured for him to follow her to her kitchen. She walked through and he followed

"What's this about," Lainey asked
"Is it about the red light because I was extremely stressed that day" she clarified

Mitch rolled his eyes at the foolish question she just asked "No. I'm not a cop" he shook his head

Lainey crossed her arms over her chest, her brows knotted together  "What are you then" she asked

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