Chapter 27

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Laineys face turned into a dead stare. She watched as he tried to work out what was happening. She smirked proudly "never get distracted" she tutted She sat up and unzipped her jacket, underneath was a bag of fake blood.

"So it's Gonna sound crazy but you will have to hear me out" she warned Mitch and Stan
"I know Noah better then anyone, and when we were together he thought this tactic to use if we ever got broken into" she began to explain, she slid the  glass behind her and stood in front "you talk to them enough to keep them distracted and you slowly grab your weapon. When you grab it you use it as quick as possible" she explained

"You think he will do that?" Stan asked

"Definitely" she nodded "so, I'll need fake blood." She told him
"We will be wearing bulletproof vests, tape the fake blood to my vest and when he tries to shoot Mitch I jump in and the bullet hits me, the bag bursts he thinks I'm shot." She explained "so then he's distracted enough for us to do our thing" she concluded

"That's pretty good" Stan nodded

"It makes it easy for the target to attack" she told Noah.

Mitch grabbed Noah off the ground and slammed his body against the chair in the corner of the room. Lainey stood up from the ground and walked over to Noah.

Noah sat in the chair, looking at the woman stood in front of him unable to recognize who she had become, she was never a violent woman. She was never angry Like this, she never seemed to bare so much anger and grief

"Lainey.. what happened to you?" He asked

She scoffed "you did, the day you chose money over me." She told him

"Lainey this isn't you sweetheart" Noah tried to convince

"Why do people keep saying that?" Lainey asked "I mean, I think I improved. I became better and in fact, I love it!" She yelled "I'm a ducking badass"

Irene and Stan stood outside and listen to what Lainey was saying. Stan was wondering what the hell she was doing, he wanted him dead and she wasn't doing it "I'm going in" he told Irene

Irene but her hand on his chest and looked at him "leave her, we have got him now. Let her say her peace" she told him

Lainey walked around Noah swinging the gun in her hand, "you know, that day you died. That day was burned into my memory because I didn't just lose my husband.. I lost my baby girl"

"What?" Noah asked "she.. she actually died"

Lainey stopped walking and stood in front of him, "you think I made it up?" She asked "Noah baby, I'm not you"

Noah sat in shock as she realized his daughter never got to live. The only really he did what he did that day was because he thought Lainey would still have their daughter to keep her together, he would have came back a hell of a lot sooner if he knew "Lainey.. Lainey I only done it because I thought you had Ella. If I had have known I would have came back" he explained

She crouched down In front of him "and What makes you think I'm gonna believe that?" She asked

"Lainey I'm not a monster" he shook his head

"Except you are Noah. You are a monster, you were a monster to Rebecca. She had a son and you used him , you hung him over her head" Lainey jogged his memory

He looked at her softly "Lainey they have poised you, they have made you this"

"Oh no, I've been poisoned. It's nothing like this" she shook her head "you see, I just learned to fight... and to kill"

"What?" He asked

"Natalia was stabbed, dean suffocated and Jacob was ran over" she listed

His brows narrowed down "it was you?" He asked

"Ding ding ding!" She cheered

He sighed "Oh sweetie what have they done"

"It's not them Noah." She shrugged  "It was you.. all you" she whispered
"I hate you Noah smith, I hate you so much that looking at you right now makes my blood coil. You are a monster! A sick and cruel monster!" She spat

"Lainey I know you love me. Deep down you do"

She loaded the gun and looked Noah dead in the eyes "If I love you so much, why did I have raging sex last night?" She asked. She pointed the gun to his head "have fun burning in hell" the bullet was released from the chamber and straight through Noah's skull.

Silence fell and Lainey stood unsure of whether she wanted to cry or feel relieved that he was truly gone. The man she knew died a long time ago but now he was really gone. She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she stared at Noah's dead corpse.

Mitch looked at Lainey and noticed the small tear that fell. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a hug, he knew she wasn't crying for Noah. She was crying for herself, she was letting herself except that it was finally over and she could but her demons to rest.

Lainey looked up at Mitch "sorry" she sniffled

He held her cheek with his face "don't apologize. You did nothing wrong" he smiled

Lainey smiled at him, she leaned in and kissed him happily. As she pulled away men rushed by to take Noah and his belongings away, Lainey stared down at her ring. She pulled it off and threw it in a box if his things. It was their problem now, not hers.

Mitch took her hand and they walked out together. They would both admit, at the start they pretty much hated each other but as time went by and they were forced to spend it together, they realized how much they had both lost and how much they deserved to gain. They deserved each other, they were right for each other. It may have took some times to realize but they did and now they were both happy.

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