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A week later

As soon as the judge entered, all rise from their respective seats as a sign of respect.

It was the day of the hearing. This time a new prosecutor was handling Ayana's case as the previous one was being charged for taking bribes. Ayyan, Reeha, Mr. and Mrs. Malik were seated on the front row. Few reporters were seated in the back row. 

Zafar was standing on the defense box with his hands cuffed.

As soon as the judge took his seat, he asked.

"Is the prosecution ready?"

"Yes, your honor."
Standing up the prosecutor said before taking his place.

"Is the defense lawyer ready?"

"Yes, Your honor."
The defense attorney said before taking his seat.

And then the trial begins.

"Your honor, my client, Mr. Zafar Baig has been wrongly accused of attempting to murder his fiancee, Ms. Ayana Malik."
The attorney gave his opening statement.

"Your honor, the defendant, Mr. Zafar Baig, was caught red-handed on 23 February in the crime scene where he captured Mrs. Reeha Malik, the sister-in-law of the victim, Ms. Ayana Malik. Your honor, with your permission I would like to call my first witness, Mrs. Reeha Malik, on the witness stand."
The prosecutor stated.

"You may call your first witness."

As soon as Reeha stand on the witness box, the bailiff went towards her and said,
"Please raise your hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do."
Reeha said and then the prosecutor started questioning.

"Mrs. Reeha, can you please tell us what happened on 23rd February?"

Nodding Reeha started saying how she followed Zafar. The pictures of Ayana and the children on the wall, Zafar's confessions, the way she was drugged, how she escaped everything. She even mentioned the list that she saw in Zafar's room. She disclosed everything.

"Your honor, from Mrs. Reeha's statement it is proved that the defendant stalked his fiancee and then planned to murder the victim, Ms. Ayana Malik. Not to mention he even tried to kidnap the witness, Mrs. Reeha. Not only that the statement also proofs that Mr. Zafar Baig is related to the child trafficking case."
The prosecutor said and then handed over the list of names of organ donations to the judge.

Seeing the list, the judge said to the defense lawyer.
"The defense attorney may cross-examine the witness."

"Mrs. Reeha, were you forced or dragged by my client to enter the house in the forest?"
The lawyer asked.

"No. I entered there by myself."

"Point to be taken, your honor. If the witness entered the house herself without my client's involvement, then how can the prosecution say that the witness was kidnapped by my client?"
The lawyer pointed out.

"I object, your honor. As the witness said, she followed the defendant as she was suspicious of him."
The prosecutor said.

"Ok. Let's assume that the witness was kidnapped by my client. Then Mrs. Reeha, you said that you were drugged by my client, right?"

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