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"Can anyone please again tell me what we are doing here?" Rayyan asked continuously tapping his foot.

"Waiting." Came a monosyllabic reply from Ayyan.

"I rejected my important meeting for this? For waiting meaninglessly in front of a bank for more than an hour. Seriously?" Rayyan said dramatically.

"I never asked you to come. You insisted on tagging along with us."

An informer of Ravi informed the person in the photo whose name was Kaiser, is coming to the bank today. So to catch him, Ravi, Ayyan and a police team came. After hearing this Rayyan also wanted to come. But here they were waiting for the past 1 hour but there was no sign of that Kaiser.

Flashback(In the cafe)

"Did you catch the person in charge of the footage?" Ayyan asked Ravi shortly after Ravi came into the cafe. They were sitting on the table.

"No. It's not him. Someone from outside must have done it and some insider might have helped that person."

"It means the footage is of no use in the court?" Reeha asked this time.

"No. It could be published in court. About it's useful, I'm not quite sure. If you are lucky Fawad may get bailed. But if we get any hardcore evidence then it might be more useful in bailing out your brother." Ravi explained.

For a moment all were silent.

"So, why did you call us urgently then?" Ayyan was the first one to break the silence.

"I'll answer that later. But first I want to ask you something." Ravi said looking at Reeha.

"Me? Ask away."

"Your brother, Fawad, did he have any enemies?"

"No. In fact, he is a person known for his cool temper. Yes, sometimes he used to argue with some people regarding work but I don't think they will try to harm bhaiya."

Passing her a picture he asked her,
"Do you know him or have seen him somewhere?"

The picture was of a guy with long hair wearing a lot of chains and bands. His face and eyes don't give away anything but the dressup gives the impression of a goon. He might be in his early 40s.


"See carefully."

"No. I'm seeing him for the first time."

"This person?" Ayyan whispered.

"You know him?" Ravi asked.

"I think I have seen him. He used to get treated from Ayana. But when I saw him then his hair was short and was clean shaved. But why are you asking about him?"

"I think he is one of the culprits."

"Culprits? You think they were two?"

"I don't know. Might be two or three. And another thing, Ms. Ayana's kidnapping, attempting to murder, all these were pre-planned. And Mr. Fawad was a scapegoat in all these."


"I think it's a waste of time. He won't come. Ravi, your informer gave you the wrong information." Rayyan again whined.

"Bhai, can you please shut up," Ayyan said, being annoyed with his brother.
Just then Ravi alerted them.

"Guys. Look he came."
Ravi was monitoring the CCTV of the bank along with Rayyan and Ayyan who instead of monitoring was more like bickering. The police team was waiting outside the bank in the exit.

Both the brothers came in front of the monitor. The guy who apparently assumed to be a culprit went inside the bank but instead of going in the money section, he went towards the toilet.

"Guys get ready. The suspect will come in the exit within a few minutes." Ravi said in the walkie-talkie.

It's been 10 minutes but there was no sign of the suspect coming out from the toilet.
"Patch-3, Ravi's speaking. Go and check inside the toilet. The suspects may be still inside there."
Two people from the team went inside the toilet. After some time someone spoke.
"Sir, it's Zed from patch-3. There's no sign of the suspect."

"What? Did you search thoroughly?"
Ravi asked.

"Yes, sir. There's no one."

"Is there any way to get out of the bank without the exit?" Ravi asked the manager who was with them.

"No, sir. It is the only way to go outside."

"I hope you aren't lying," Rayyan said with a dangerous voice.

"No. It's the only way."

"Go 10 minutes back," Ravi told the person in charge of the computer.

"How's that possible? He went inside but didn't come outside nor he's inside. Then where the hell is he? It's not like he vanished." Ayyan said which was more like to himself.

"Wait. Pause at this person."

"This is a lady. Why are you pausing on her?" Ayyan asked.

The person was a lady wearing traditional cloth. She was coming out of the washroom.

"Isn't she walking in a weird manner. Almost like a man?"

"I don't get this, why are you even interested in her?" Rayyan asked. He was annoyed. They lost the prime suspect and here Ravi was obsessed with this lady god knows why.

"When did she go inside the washroom? Rewind the video." Ravi said.

'There was no trace of the lady going inside the washroom. Then how did she come out from there?'
The question lingered in Ravi's mind.

"Zoom at the lady." "Now remove the hair and put the clothes and hair of the suspect," Ravi instructed.

The person in charge of the computer did as he was told and 'Voila' it is that suspect.

"Wow. How did you even get that?" Being impressed Rayyan asked.

"When you were busy cursing me." Ravi sarcastically said.

"Shouldn't we go and catch him? What are we waiting for? Let's go." Ayyan said.

"This is the problem with journalists. You people don't know the meaning of patience. Patience, my friend. Patience. You see how he changed his dress to walk out, it means he knows we are following him. But then why do you think knowing that we are behind him he still chooses to come to this place?" Ravi said.

"Because it was necessary to go out," Ayyan replied.

"Or it's necessary to meet someone. And that's when we'll catch both of them. Kill two birds with one stone."
Ravi explained. "Let's follow him to see what he does."
Then taking the walkie-talkie he went outside to inform the others.

"That guy is damn intelligent," Rayyan commented on Ravi.

"Indeed he is." Ayyan agreed. And then both followed Ravi.


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