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"Your honor, I pledge you to announce the defendant as the culprit and make him get the punishment he deserves for this horrible act. That's all your honor."
The prosecutor announced his closing argument.

"Defense lawyer, please give your closing argument." The judge said.

Mr. Rawa Ahmed and Shaina Begum were tensed. The atmosphere was tensed. One could cut the air with a knife. There was not a single evidence in Fawad's defense. Reeha was supposed to bring the evidence but her phone was switched off. Allah knows where the girl was! The lawyer looked at Mr. Ahmed as if asking him about Reeha. Mr. Ahmed wanted to stop the time. But the hearing was already delayed for 30 minutes. It was not possible to delay it more. Mr. Rawa Ahmed shooked his head.

"Nothing in defense." The lawyer said.

Nodding the judge started saying,
"According to the evidence and witnesses, I now announce the defendant, Mr. Fawad Ahmed as guil-"

All looked towards the source of the voice. Reeha was standing on the entrance in a disheveled state with Ravi behind her. Reeha looked at the lawyer. Understanding the sign, the lawyer reluctantly nodded.

"Your honor, before you announce the sentence, you should watch this." Then the pen drive was handed over to the judge.

"Objection! The evidence submitted by the defense lawyer might be fabricated." The prosecutor objected.

"Lawyer, can you prove that it's the real footage? Not fabricated?" The judge questioned.

"Yes, your honor. May I call my witness to stand in the box?"
The judge nodded.

Ravi stepped on the witness box.
"Your honor, I, Ravi Abad, the officer in charge of the case, was present at the time of acquiring the evidence."

"Thank you, officer. Your honor, as you can see the footage proves that my client is not the culprit rather he's the victim.
Your honor, is it a crime wanting to help a woman?
I believe that the footage will help you in taking the right decision. I rest my case." The lawyer concluded.

"After going through the evidences, I now pronounce, the defendant, Mr. Fawad Ahmed, who is charged as a drug addict and a physical abuser for Ms. Ayana's case ... Not Guilty." The judge announced. "The court is adjourned."

Fawad can't believe that he was free. He had lost all the hopes. But now hearing the verdict he can't help but free his tears. He was free. Free from the sufferings. Free from the charges. Free from jail. He is free.

Shaina Begum almost ran towards her son. She hold him after almost a month. Mr. Ahmed hugged his son tightly as if he will go somewhere else if he released him.

Reeha smiled through tears seeing the scenery. Fawad opened his arms for his sister. After all, she made all this possible. Reluctantly Reeha hugged him.
"You got old, bhaiya."
Fawad laughed at her comment.
"I fulfilled my promise. You are free, bhaiya. You are free."

"I'm. I'm free." Fawad repeated.

"But what happened to your face?" Releasing her Fawad asked.

"Yes. I was meaning to ask you. Why were you late? Your phone was also switched off." Shaina Begum fired the questions at her.

And then she remembered. The pen drive ... The kidnapping ... The fighting ... The accident ... Rayyan in blood.
"I-I "

"Let's go home. And then we can discuss this."
Seeing her pale face Mr. Ahmed suggested. And then they left the court.


Flashback Starts


"Mr. Rayyan."
Ayyan and Reeha both rushed towards an injured Rayyan. Ravi went behind the car. Ayyan placed Rayyan's head on his lap.

"Bhai! Please stay with me. Don't close your eyes."
Blood was oozing from his head.

"Why? Why did you come in between?"
Reeha whispered with tears.

Losing the car, Ravi ran towards them.
"Rayyan, buddy, stay a little longer. The ambulance and the police are on their way."

As if on a cue the ambulance came. Rayyan was put on a stretcher. Reeha was about to go with them when Rayyan stopped her.
"I-I'll be f-fine. G-Go and s-save your b-brother." With much difficulty Rayyan said.



Ayyan looked at her and said,
"You go. Today's the final hearing. Don't lose the chance to save your brother. You'll need a witness. We can't come so take Ravi with you."

"I have arranged for everything. Just go in the hospital and the operation will be started." Ravi assured him.

Although Reeha didn't want to leave but she needed to save Fawad. Nodding at Ayyan she whispered to Rayyan,
"Just be alive."
And then left with Ravi.

Flashback Ends


"What? This many things happened and now you are telling us?" Rawa Ahmed told his daughter.

They were in their leaving living room.
"You are not hurt anywhere, are you?" Shaina Begum asked touching her arms to check if she was okay.

"I'm fine, Mumma. I'm actually feeling guilty for Mr.Rayyan." Reeha assured her mother.

"I still can't believe that he saved you." Shaina Begum said in disbelief. "How's he now?"

"I talked with Ayyan. He's now stable." Reeha replied.

"I think we shouldn't meddle with that family. It's better to stay away from them." Fawad said after hearing everything. Although the Maliks did help them to win the case but he can't overlook the fact that they were the reason for Fawad's state in the first place.

Agreeing with Fawad Mr. Ahmed nodded.
"But bhaiya, I should at least visit him in the hospital. After all, he's in that state because of me." Reeha vocalized her thoughts.

"Reeha is right. After all, he saved Reeha. We should go to visit him. And then there is no need to meddle with that family." Shaina Begum suggested.

After thinking Mr. Ahmed said,
"Okay then. Let's go to visit him in the morning."


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