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The CourtRoom

Mr. Rawa Ahmed was sure that today the case will be closed and the judge's verdict will be on their side. After all, the witness was with them. Reeha was also happy seeing a peaceful and happy face of her parents. Hopefully, everything goes well. But among all these, one thing was disturbing her. The prosecutor and the Malik family must know about the new witness. Then instead of looking tense like other Maliks why was Mr. Rayyan Malik looking relaxed. It seems like he knew beforehand what was going to happen. But she didn't let her thoughts bother her.

The judge came and all stood up. After taking permission the case started. The prosecutor started saying,
"Your honor, the defendant, Mr. Fawad Ahmed, because of consuming excessive drugs lost his sense of judgment. So when Ms. Ayana Malik went into the forest he took her as his prey and started forcing himself upon her. But when she protested he abused her and even tried to murder her. But because of sedatives of the drug he passed out without accomplishing it."

Fawad screamed.

"Defendant, you will be given time to say your words. Please until then control yourself." The judge stated, "please proceed"

"Your honor, the victims' family want the culprit to get severe punishment. I hope that you will give him what is the best punishment for this crime. That's all your honor." The prosecutor finished his words.

"I object, your honor. Like my client said he was being drugged. He didn't take it by himself nor forced himself to the victim. In fact, he wanted to help the victim, Ms. Ayana Malik." Mr. Rahman, the lawyer remarked.

"Do you have any evidence to prove it?"
The judge asked.

"Your honor, last time because of the inadequate evidence the court couldn't give any verdict. But this time we have the eye-witness with us who saw the defendant helping the victim. Give me your permission to bring the witness to the court."

"Permission granted."

A man in his late 40s stands in the witness box. Mr. Rahman asked him,
"Did you or did you not see the defendant, Mr. Fawad Ahmed assaulting the victim, Ms. Ayana Malik?"

"No. I didn't see it."

"Then can you tell the people what exactly you saw?"

"I saw him shaking the girl while she was senseless. It seems like he was trying to wake her up."

"That's all your honor."

"Prosecutor, do you have anything to ask the witness?"

"Yes, your honor." Looking at the witness he questioned. "After seeing that, what did you do? Did you go there to help them?"



"Objection, Your honor. The prosecutor is diverting the topic." Mr. Rahman interjected.

"Objection overruled. You may proceed".

"Thank you, your honor. Where was I? Oh yes. So when you saw the guy trying to help an injured woman why didn't you offer help? Why did you ignore it?"

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