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The next day Reeha got ready to go to her next destination. Ayyan's Office. At first, she thought to go to Rayyan's Office but that man can easily manipulate anyone. Moreover, between the two brothers, the second one seems easy-going than the first one. Hopefully, her plan works. Taking the evidence collected from Mr. Rahman she left the house.


Inside Ayyan's Office

Reciting all the surahs she went inside the building. Noticing the guard she smiled at him as if she had known him before. Seeing her the guard stopped her. Before he could ask anything she started saying with a dazzling smile.

"Salam, guard uncle. How are you? Hope aunty is well. What about your kids?"

"Waalaikumussalam. All good, my child. But you... " Being confused about who the girl was the guard replied.

"What, Guard Uncle? I have met you just after a few weeks and you already forget about me." She said with a hurt expression.

"No. I mean..."

Cutting his sentence Reeha said, " Forget it. Here I brought a cold drink for you. It's so hot outside. You will feel better after drinking it."

"Thank you, daughter." The guard thanked her with a pleasing smile.

"Btw uncle, is Ayyan in the office?"

"Ayyan sir?" Yes. Just 5 minutes ago he came. You can go inside." Though he was confused but still let it pass.

" Thanks, uncle. See you later. Have a nice day." And then walked away.


Praying to Allah not to get caught, she walked straight with a friendly smile. Anyone who will see her passing will think of her as a fellow worker. While walking she noticed all the nameplates outside the room and at last saw the name she was eagerly searching for.

Mr. Ayyan Malik

Director of News & Public Affairs

That's it. Just a few steps and then she will be able to work on her next plan. Just when she was about to knock the door someone called.

"Excuse me. Who are you?"

Shutting her eyes for a moment she turned towards the person to see a brown-haired girl staring at her. Not in a friendly manner. Not getting any response the girl repeated,
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I came to meet him," Reeha answered pointing at the nameplate.

"That doesn't answer the question about who you are. And do you have an appointment?"

"I-I am his friend?" It came as a question more than a statement. Doubt was evident in the brown-haired girl's eyes. To cover up her mistake, Reeha quickly added but this time with a firm voice, " As I am his friend I don't think that I need an appointment. Now if you excuse me." She was about to touch the doorknob when the girl held her hand stopping her.

"Whoever you are, you are not permitted to enter without an appointment. And how did you even enter here? GUARDS." The girl literally shouted. Crowds started to gather around them.

'That's it. Now I'm done. They are going to outcast me.' Reeha thought.
"Ok fine. You don't need to be rude. I mean no need to call the guards. I will come later with an appointment." Disheartened Reeha was about to go away when the door opened.


Ayyan was quite busy. He was preparing for the upcoming news. But more than that he was busy with the case. He was doing a self-investigation with the detective about the case. Fawad being the culprit was something which was not making sense. The guy had no solid motive to harm his sister. Even if he was the culprit, it wasn't possible for him to do all these things single-handedly. Someone was there. Someone who is either the accomplice of Fawad or who is the mastermind of all this. He was thinking all this when heard yelling outside. At first, he choose to ignore it but it was increasing. Unable to ignore it he went outside.

"What's this fuss, Siya?" Ayyan asked his assistant. Hearing his voice Reeha immediately turned around to face him. Ayyan didn't notice her. The brown-haired girl whose name was Siya answered him sweetly, "Sir, this girl wanted to meet you without an appointment. So I told her to come later with an appointment."

"Hey. You never said it that politely. In fact, you were extremely rude to me." Reeha said.

Her voice took the attention of Ayyan making him look at her.
"You!! What are you doing here? No, wait. How the hell did you get here?"

"Hi!!" Reeha said with a nervous smile. Then added, "Can we talk?" Looking at the crowd she continued, "Just us?"

"No, we won't. I don't have anything to talk with you. Get out before I call the guards."

"Why do all of you want to call the guards for everything?" Reeha muttered. Then stepping towards Ayyan she whispered,
"That's a shame. Cause I have a lot to say. If you don't want that brother of yours to be labeled as a fraud you better hear me out." And then stepped back.


"You heard me clearly. Now the choice is yours." When he didn't respond Reeha concluded saying, "I guess you don't care about your brother. Fine then. See you in court. Bye." Turning away she was about to go when he stopped her.

She looked at him expectedly.
"Let's talk."

Smiling, she replied," Lead the way."


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