8. A Change of Clothes

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    At some point, Prim had fallen asleep. She woke when she heard the door click shut. Prim cracked an eye open. Captain Flynn tossed a satchel towards her. "Put these on."

    Prim rubbed her eyes and rolled off the bed. She opened the satchel. Inside lay a white blouse, a pair of pants, a leather vest, and a pair of mid-calf boots. "Why?" Captain Flynn crossed his arms and leaned against the door. "Why?" She repeated.

    "Because I said so."

    "That's hardly a reason. Why should I do anything you say?"

    "Because I'm keeping you alive."

    Prim arched an eyebrow. "Really? Well, did you ever think that we could've avoided this situation entirely if you hadn't kidnapped me?" She dropped the satchel.

    Captain Flynn stormed across the room. "And did it ever occur to you that you could've simply stayed on the ship?" Prim folded her arms across her chest. "I'm doing my part to make life easier and bearable for you. Why can't you do the same for me?"

    "I owe you nothing. No explanations. No trust. No respect. I'm not a part of your crew."

    He snorted with angry amusement. "You're damn right. If you were actually one of us, I would've had Caleb give you the lashing owed to you already!"

    "How many times are you going to threaten me tonight, you miserable pirate?"

    "As many times as I have to." He picked up the satchel and shoved it into her hands. "Change your clothes."


    "Change your damn clothes."

    "I don't like your language."

    Captain Flynn turned away, pinching the bridge of his nose. He ran a hand over his stubbled chin as he drew in a few measured breaths. Prim waited expectantly. He turned and grabbed the top of her corset. Prim gasped as he yanked her towards him and reached his arms around her. He began to undo her corset lacings.

    "How dare you!" Prim seethed. "Get your hands off me at once, you filthy bloodthirsty devilish black-hearted slimy repulsive pirate!"

    "Are you capable of dressing yourself, Darling?" He sneered. Prim's face flushed as Captain Flynn undid her final laces and set her corset aside. "Or do I have to do it for you?"

    Prim snatched up the satchel and turned away from him. Anger boiled in her stomach as she pulled the pants on beneath her petticoat and shift. She unbuttoned them both and tossed them aside. Prim slipped into the shirt and laced the vest over it. She tucked the hem of her shirt into the pants. Prim kicked off her shoes and stepped into the boots. "Are you happy now?"

    "No, you've thoroughly darkened my mood."

    "Likewise. Now, will you tell me why this was so important?"

    "Word has spread through the city that you're here. People are looking for you. In an hour, Caleb will be at the docks in the longboat. We'll sneak out of here through a window and join him. Hopefully, we'll make it back to the Leviathan without any unwanted attention." Captain Flynn passed a critical eye over her. "And that's why it's important for you to blend in."

    Maybe there are a few good people here who are looking for me, Prim thought.

    "If anyone here manages to capture you, you'll be killed, sold as a slave, or worse," Captain Flynn said, as if following her thought pattern. "Whether you like it or not, I'm the only way you're getting out of this city unscathed. And, I'm the only way you're getting back to your family alive."

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