17. Port

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"Prepare to dock!" Caspian ordered. The sound of scurrying feet filled the galley. Prim and Kitty glanced at each other, excitement shining in their eyes. Prim took Kitty by the hand and they ran up to the main deck.

Port stretched out before them, a mass of red brick and white stone houses. People roamed the streets and the scent of spices and perfumes hung thick in the air. Prim could smell fish as well, but it wasn't as prominent as she had expected.

Small and large ships alike bobbed up and down in the harbor. They cleared a path for the Leviathan. Prim spied several docks forming the shipyard. A few other ships were moored there, but there would be a space for them. Some people paused to watch them come in. Prim waved and a few women waved back.

All over the city, she saw the Leviathan's flag being flown. Caleb did say this city was under Caspian's jurisdiction, she thought. Although the flags seem like a beacon for trouble. Or, maybe they serve as a warning to travelers.

Prim blinked, suddenly spying two winged people walking down a street. They had large dragon like wings, with colorful swirls adorning the black membrane. Faeries, she realized. She glanced at Kitty. Her large green eyes took in the sights of the town, but revealed nothing.

The ship rocked as they reached the docks. Several shipyard workers came running. Crewmen cast mooring lines over the Leviathan's sides. The workers secured them. A ridged plank was angled down from the ship next. Several of the crewmen stepped off.

Prim and Kitty lingered by the railing. Pops joined them shortly. "The Captain will tend to some business and then he said he'd take you ashore if you wanted to go."

"Will we be safe here?" Prim asked.

"Aye, Lass. Don't worry. Caspian has an agreement with the Governors of the Human lands here. He has jurisdiction over this city and in return, a few ships from his fleet patrol Orphic's shore and keep the ports safe from other pirate raiders."

"How many ships are in his fleet?"

Pops thought for a moment, stroking his long beard. "About twenty-eight, last I checked."

"That's a lot of ships."

"Not as many as some Pirate Kings have had."

    Prim bit her lip, recalling his own history.  During his time as Dougal Tavish, a rogue pirate captain, Pops had commanded a fleet of twenty-five ships. That was, if the stories were to be believed. She hadn't spoken to him about his past though, and she wasn't keen to now.

    "Are other pirates able to dock here?"

    Pops shook his head. "Not unless they're part of the Captain's fleet or have messages for him. You won't find any enemies here. I doubt these people will even know who you are." He winked at her after a second. "They'll assume you're the Captain's wife."

    "We agreed that would be my cover story anyway," Prim laughed.

    "You aren't upset by that?"

    "I was at first. It was mortifying. I suppose I see the sense in it now, though." Prim turned to Kitty. "Are you going to come ashore?"

    Kitty shook her head and pointed to Pops. "I'll stay here with her," he explained. "We might come into town later for supper and some shopping. You need some ribbons to match your new dress." He tugged on a hazelnut blonde curl with a grin. Kitty pushed his hand away, smiling in return.

    "Prim!" She looked up, hearing Caspian. He stood near the plank and beckoned for her to come.

    She crouched down and kissed Kitty's forehead. "I'll check on you later. Work on your lessons and don't get into trouble." Kitty nodded and Prim joined Caspian.

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