30. Strangely Welcome

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"I'm bored," Jesp groaned.

Prim held out a plate and he took one of the scones. She'd determined that they had enough supplies for at least one batch of scones, so Prim had given in and made some. Kitty was passing another plate of them around on the other side of the deck.

"Well, you can always scrub the deck," Lester chuckled.

"Prim did that this morning. What's the point in doing it again?"

"Extra cleanliness," Prim replied.

Jesp scratched his head thoughtfully. "We haven't had a court session in a while."

"A court session?" Prim raised her eyebrows.

Pops pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not this again, Lad."

"I think it's a great idea!" Lester slung a dark arm over Jesp's shoulder.

"You just say that because you always get to be the judge," Pops replied. "I'm usually executed."

"I'm confused," Prim interrupted.

"It's a game of sorts," Jesp explained. "Someone is the judge and a few of us might make up the jury. We try each other for piracy and our various crimes. The accused and their lawyer try to defend the accused. Sometimes they'll be acquitted, other times, executed."

"And the lucky ones can make a daring escape," Lester added.

"So you pretend that you're in court?" Prim laughed. "This is something I'd like to see."

"You can be the jury then," Lester replied. "You and Kitty." Kitty perked up nearby. She pointed to Benny quizzically. "And Benny too, of course."

"I'll find some more participants," Jesp volunteered. He leaped to his feet. "Westley! Theodore! Caleb!" He called out several other names as he ran across the ship.

Kitty joined Prim and sat down. Benny curled up in her lap, his tail swishing against her skirt. Kitty situated her notebook around the kitten. "I'll be asking the boys questions and judging them. As my jury, you must decide if they're guilty or not guilty," Lester said. He tapped Kitty's notebook. "You could write your answer down and show me."

Kitty nodded and gave Prim one of her spare pencils. Lester situated himself near the main mast. Prim and Kitty sat by his feet. Jesp returned shortly with several of the crewmen in tow.

Pops folded his hands behind his back, stepping forward. "Let's get this over with."

"Mr. Pops, do you have an attorney to present your case?" Lester asked.

"Westley Addams, at your service, your Honor." Westley joined Pops and bowed. His short brown ponytail bobbed as he straightened.

"Mr. Pops, you are here to be tried for the crime of piracy." Lester's deep voice took on a regal tone. Prim struggled to contain her laughter.

"Your Honor, you're forgetting something!" Jesp called. He held up the end of a mop. Jesp dropped it onto Lester's head in place of a wig.

Lester grimaced. "My own hair is white enough, but I suppose I must condone the etiquette of a courtroom. Now, where were we?"

"You were about to list this Pirate's crimes?" Jesp prompted.

"Ah, yes." Lester peered up at Pops through narrowed eyes. "Forgery of royal documents. Petty theft. Manslaughter. Piracy of the highest order." Lester stroked his bearded chin. "And your worst crime...seducing her Royal Majesty!"

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