18. Matters of Reality

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Caspian burst into their room breathlessly. "You'll never guess who's here."

Prim sat up, raising an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Ms. Harriet." He ran his fingers through his hair with a laugh. "She somehow found out that we were coming here and chartered a ship of her own."

"Really? Does Pops know?"

"Who do you think found out?"

"Poor man."

"Aye. She's hosting a ball tonight and demands that we come."

"She has a house here?" Prim asked.

"A house? Darling, she has a mansion.She did inherit a few things from her intended husband after he died."

"She is full of surprises."

"Yes, she is."

Prim stood and tied her hair back in a ponytail. "If our presence is demanded, then I suppose we have to go."

Caspian stroked his chin thoughtfully. His stubble had grown out a little more, she noticed. "Yes, but you can't wear that. She'll have a fit. You should see the outfits she's putting together for Pops." He took her hand. "Come on. I know where to find you a dress."

"What about you?"

"I've got it covered."

"Wait, who will look after Kitty if Pops is going too?"

"Lester already volunteered."

He led her down the stairs and out into the street. A young boy held the reins of a large chestnut stallion. Caspian helped Prim mount, then swung up behind her. He flipped two silver marks down to the boy and flicked the reins. Soon, Prim recognized where they were headed.

The Leviathan appeared in the distance, bobbing up and down with the small waves in the harbor. Already, she was looking nearly like her old self. Several shipyard workers milled about on the main deck. Prim dismounted once they reached the ship. She climbed on board without waiting for Caspian. The workers nodded respectfully, but none spoke to her.

"Our quarters," Caspian said behind her. He took her arm and ushered her across the deck.

Once they reached the cabin, Prim sat on the edge of her bed. Caspian opened one of the closets and selected a few gowns. He set them down beside her. Prim gave him a quizzical look. He simply nodded.

She stood and held one dress up to her shoulders. Already, she could tell it was a little too long and wide. She set it aside, focusing on the next one. On this one, the sleeves were too long and the bodice looked too tight. Prim held up the third dress. The sleeves and skirt were long on this one too, but the bodice looked to be about right.

"That one was Morgana's," Caspian said. "The first one was Mother's and the second, Georgie's."

"They're all beautiful," she said. "I think Morgana and I were closer to the same size around the waist and bust."

"Here." Caspian waved her over to the closet. "These ones were hers. You can wear whichever one you want."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "They just sit here anyway." Prim gingerly sifted through the dresses. "These were a few of their things that I managed to save," Caspian said. He knelt by her feet and grabbed a long box. Prim glanced over as he opened it. Inside sat a few brushes and hand mirrors, bottles of perfume, and jewelry. "But these are yours." He held up her diamond necklace, bracelets, and earrings. "I'm afraid you won't get the hair combs and pins back from the crew though."

The Pirate's Ransomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें