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    "And they all made it out all right?" Amos asked. Emilia nodded, rummaging through her basket. He breathed a sigh of relief, leaning his head back against the stone wall. "I'm glad they got away."

    "They'll never be safe though. Caspian killed King Alexander."

    "Caspian is a pirate. He knows how to stay out of sight."

    "And he knows how to cause a scene," Emilia laughed. "He and Prim are perfect for each other." She pressed her ear against his chest. Amos stiffened, hoping she wouldn't comment about his racing heartbeat. "I still can't believe that Kitty managed to heal you to this extent."

    "Me either." Amos began to speak again, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

    "Get up, both of you," a guard ordered. He jiggled his keys in the lock and opened the cell. He jerked his head. Emilia picked up her basket and stepped out. The guard jerked his head again.

    Amos blinked, then left the cell. The guard undid the chains on his wrists and ankles. "I don't understand," Amos began.

    "You're free." He turned, spotting the Warden behind him.

    "How?" Amos knit his brows. "The debts..."

    "Are still there."


    "Take your freedom, Amos," an old familiar voice said. Jebediah came down the steps, his wrists bound in iron.

    "Father?" Amos stared at his father, coughing a little.

    "Go home. You've born the consequences for my actions too long already." Jeb looked down, refusing to meet Amos' gaze.

    Amos continued to stare at his father, then hugged him tightly. Tears sprang into his eyes. "You turned yourself in."

    "Aye, Boy. I did."


    "I should've when they first arrested you. Get going. Your mother will want to see you."

    Amos stumbled back and Emilia wrapped an arm around him. Jebediah let himself be led into Amos' old cell. The guard locked the door as the Warden ushered Amos and Emilia up the stairs. "I'll write to you, Father!" Amos shouted. "I promise!"

    Jeb didn't answer, but Amos saw a tear drip down his cheek. Realization began to set in the further up the stairs they went. I'm free. I'm free. I'm free! Amos fought to keep back his tears.

    They stepped outside and sunlight streamed down onto his face. Amos let Emilia lead him away from the Crypt. All the while, his thoughts sang I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!

    Amos paused, hearing the crash of waves. He could see Valor's Gulf. The ships docked near the wharf. People strolling through the streets. He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks.

    Emilia crouched in front of him, concern filling her gaze. "Amos?"

    "I'm free," he wept. "I'm truly free. He turned himself in for me, Em. Seven years. I'm free." Amos began to laugh. "I'm free. I could become a doctor! I can go home and see Mother! I'm free!" A few tears slipped down Emilia's face too. She smiled at him as he wiped them away. "Why are you crying?"

    "Because you're so happy," she replied. "Because you're free."

    Amos tried to form a response, but couldn't think of the words. Emilia laughed, more tears falling. Without thinking, he leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers. Emilia jumped and he pulled back. "I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that," Amos stammered.

    Emilia looked at him in shock, then blushed. "Don't be sorry. You can do it again, if you like." Amos stood and pulled her to her feet. "I'll talk to Doctor Smith and see if he'd be willing to take you on as an apprentice, or if he knows someone who would," Emilia said. "And I'll make sure your mother knows what to do to help with your lingering cough. I'll have to..."

    He kissed her once more. "I want you to come with me. To see my mother. She'll be so surprised." Amos smiled, resting his hand against Emilia's cheek. "I want you to be there while I tell her everything that has happened the past several years. I want her to see you when I talk about the Angel that was sent to me."

    "I'm not an angel," Emilia whispered, her eyes shining.

    "You are to me. Look at how many miracles have happened since we met. Think of how many more will come." Amos wiped away the tear that dripped down her cheek. "My Angel."

    Emilia blushed even harder. She looped her arm through his and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Let's go see your mother. She's a fantastic cook and you need some wholesome food." Amos laughed and let her lead the way.

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