43. Shared Resolution

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    Prim was numb with shock and rage. She'd screamed herself hoarse in the prison and had fought the guards every step of the way back to the carriage. Her father had stayed behind, likely to do more of his own dirty work. Thankfully, no one said a word to her on the ride back to the palace.

    "I believe we'll retire for the evening, Verity," Lady Farrel murmured when the carriage rolled into the palace courtyard.

    "Yes, I think that would be best," Verity agreed. Tristan followed his mother up the palace stairs. Verity reached a hand towards Prim.

    "Don't touch me," Prim snapped.

    "Primalia," Verity began.

    "It's Prim, Mama! It's bloody Prim! How many times do I have to tell you that I hate my blasted name? You never listen to me! You and Father have never listened to me and look what's happened because of it!" Prim half fell out of the carriage, tears running down her cheeks once more. "How could you let him do this? How would you feel if Thomas had been forced to witness something like that? How would you feel if Thomas was thrown into prison?"

    Verity gave no reply. Guards arrived and forced Prim to her feet. "She will be locked in her chambers. No one is to visit her except to leave meals," One guard was saying to Verity. "The King will retrieve her on the day of the execution. You and Lady Farrel are in charge of overseeing the wedding preparations."

    "Of course." Verity ducked her head and followed them inside.

    The guards didn't release Prim until they reached her room. Coralyn and Ms. Harriet sat inside. Ms. Harriet had a bloody gash across her cheek. "Prim!" Coralyn leaped to her feet and ran across the room. "Guards came and took Kitty. We tried to stop them but..." she glanced at Ms. Harriet. "What happened?"

    "You both need to leave," a guard said before Prim could reply. "She's not to have any visitors."

    "Prim?" Coralyn reached for her, but a guard grabbed her wrist. Coralyn was pulled out of the room. Prim gave Ms. Harriet a small nod and she followed. The guards left, locking the door behind them.

    Prim picked up her pendant from Caspian off the vanity. She clasped it around her neck, stroking the smooth stone embedded in it. The execution is in just a few days, she thought. I'll stick to the plan. We'll rescue Caspian and Kitty. And when I recover that pistol...Prim knew exactly which head would receive that single shot.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    "Papa, wake up!" Small hands shoved him roughly.

    Caspian woke with a hiss of pain. Kitty watched him through wide green eyes. "I was hoping that had all been a bad dream," he groaned. The pain in his hands was excruciating. He flexed one and bit back a cry. He managed to sit up, somehow.

    Kitty curled up next to him, her shoulders shaking. "I was scared you had died," she whimpered.

    Caspian managed half a grin. "It will take more than that to kill me." Kitty clutched at his shirt. But not much more, he thought to himself.

    "Mama knew you were here?" Kitty asked.

    "Aye, she did. I asked her not to tell you. We didn't want you to worry."

    Kitty sniffed, her breath coming in panicked gasps. "I miss Benny. I miss Mama. I miss Pops, and Lester." She began to cry. "I'm scared. What will they do to me here? Are they going to hurt me too?"

    Caspian wrapped his arms tight around Kitty, ignoring the pain it caused. "No, Kitty. No one is going to hurt you. I won't let them."

    "But they hurt you. You won't be able to stop them."

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