Curious and New

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All right, you spoiled, thirsty people. Here you go. I've debated giving this to you for a very long time and originally, I wasn't going to. You were going to have to wait to see this whenever this book becomes published.

(This is due to the amount of "Where's the smut?" and "We were robbed!" comments I've received, which are frankly quite rude as I've explained time and again why there initially wasn't smut in this book. It's not hard to respect an author's personal choices and still enjoy a story without sex scenes. Oh, and fyi, you can't be "robbed" of something if you didn't already possess it.)

But, I decided to cut y'all some slack and give you this, mostly because I want to see your reactions lol.

This takes place immediately after Chapter 33.

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Prim ran her hands down Caspian's arms, feeling every inch of his warm olive skin. Her heart pounded against her ribs and she drew a few steadying breaths. Capsian's mouth was light upon her neck as he kissed her. His hand traveled up to her shoulder and he tugged her sleeve down.

His kisses crossed her newly bared skin. Prim wove her fingers through his hair and let one hand fall to his back, which was partially pressed up against the side of her bed. Caspian shivered as she dragged her nails down his tattooed spine.

He kissed her neck again, the roughness of his stubble perfectly complimenting the softness of his lips. "What should I do?" Prim whispered.

"Whatever you want, Darling."

Prim thought for a moment, though concentrating grew more difficult with every kiss Caspian left upon her. Warm excitement pooled deep within her as an idea arose. She tucked her fingers beneath Caspian's chin, guiding his gaze back to hers. He glanced at her lips through half-lidded eyes. Prim granted him a brief kiss, before rising to her knees and hovering over his lap.

Caspian held her gaze curiously while she dragged her hand down his chest. His breaths were as uneven as hers. Prim smiled, letting her other hand drift to the nape of his neck. "I've never done any of this before," Prim said. Her fingers reached the waistband of his pants. Caspian's shoulders tensed. She slowly tugged at the laces. "You'll have to help me."

"Help you what?" There was a low rasp in Caspian's voice. It sent butterflies coursing through her stomach.

She slipped her hand into his pants and Caspian gave a small grunt. Prim swallowed hard, letting her gaze fall. She wrapped her hand around him and made a light stroke. Caspian shivered again, burying his face in her neck. Prim kissed the shell of his ear as she repeated the move. Caspian's next breath was shallow.

"Help me," she whispered.

Her cheeks flushed as Caspian's hand folded over hers. He tightened his grip and Prim followed his prompts. He splayed a hand across her back. Prim touched open-mouthed kisses to his neck and shoulder while he guided her through the motions he liked. His hips jerked and Prim blushed harder, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Prim," Caspian breathed. A low moan fell from his lips. Every inch of her tightened at the sound. Prim licked her lips, aware of how dry her mouth had become. She squeezed him harder and Caspian gave a pleased growl. "Stars, Darling."

"Am I doing it right?" Prim asked, hoping her voice wasn't as shaky as it sounded.

Caspian moaned again. She took it as his answer. He cupped her cheek in his palm and pulled her mouth to his. Prim kept stroking him, even when he brought his second hand up as well. He kissed her hungrily, nipping at her bottom lip and grunting with pleasure. Prim's gaze swept over him as he thrust with the rhythm of her hand.

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