12. A Blight Among Pirates

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Caspian took the spyglass from Pops. Close behind them, he could make out a ship. Its colors were already flying. The black flag with a skull and crossbones, and another flag that was white in the middle and bled out into black. The sword of Sir Valor formed the centerpiece of the flag.

"They'll be alongside us in a few minutes," Pops said. "What's your plan?"

Caspian handed the spyglass back to him and grabbed the wheel. "Kieran won't fall back until we reach the icebergs or destroy his ship. If they come alongside us, there's going to be a lot of gunfire. They'll try to board us and capture Prim."

"So we hold them off until we reach the icebergs?"

"Yes." Caspian pointed out to sea. In the dim light of the moon, he could make out several large mounds rising from the water. "Think we'll make it?"

Pops smiled and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "With you at the helm, Cas."

"Don't let them get to her."

"I won't." Pops started for the stairs. "Is Kitty safe?"

"She's with Prim."

"Aye. She's safe then." Pops disappeared from sight.

Caspian adjusted their course, bringing Valor's Blight into full view. The floor beneath his feet shuddered slightly as the gunports opened. Crewmen were hastily securing the cannons on the upper deck as well. Cannon balls clinked into place and the men fell into position.

Valor's Blight was close enough for him to see the glint of moonlight off her own cannons. "All right, Gents. Let's give these bloody bilge rats a warm welcome!" Caspian hollered.

The crew raised their arms in a rallying cry. Pistols clicked and swords sang as they were drawn. Caspian eyed the icebergs ahead. They were still nothing but dim mounds. He lifted his gaze to the crow's nest, where Jesp was on duty.

"Jesp, the minute we near the icebergs, tell me. Don't take your eyes off them," Caspian ordered.

"Aye, Sir!" Jesp drew his own spyglass and focused his attention.

"Captain!" Caleb called.

"On my command, fire," Caspian said. "Not a moment before, Caleb."

The imposing man nodded and held his arm up. Valor's Blight crept alongside them. Captain Blight's men leaned over the railings, bellowing insults and waving their weapons. Caspian's heart raced, but he maintained his composure.

Captain Kieran Blight himself appeared, standing with his first mate who was at the helm. "Hello, little pup," he sneered. The ridiculously large feather in his hat shifted with the breeze. "I hear you've got some precious cargo aboard your ship. Hand her over and I'll let half of your crew live."

"Only half?" Caspian scoffed. "I thought you were a man of business, Captain."

"I'll let you and half of your crew live."

Caspian grimaced and shook his head. "A worse offer still. You see, my cargo is quite precious indeed. If I gave her to you, I'd want much more in return. I'm expecting a good deal from her ransom, you know. So why would I give her to you now to save the lives of my crew, when I can just hold onto her, beat your ass as usual, and make my men rich?"

His gaze dipped down to Valor's Blight's gunports. He calculated the distances quickly. Captain Blight spat on the ground. "I never have liked making deals with you, Boy."

"Captain?" Caleb's arm was still in the air.

Caspian let Valor's Blight draw nearer still. He drew in a steadying breath. The gunports were almost aligned. Captain Blight's men were preparing ropes. A few of them braced their feet on the deck rails. The gunports aligned and they leaped.

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