253 - Castle Attack

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"Grandmere-" the young Dauphin whispers, licking his lips in anxiety as another loud bang! shakes the room the noblewomen and children are currently huddled inside. His blonde hair catches the light, and he looks so much like his father in that moment that it causes Catherine's breath to catch. "will Papa and Mama be alright? I fear for them as the fighting continues."

"Oh, my darling, come here." Catherine takes the young Dauphin's hand and leads him next to his eldest younger sister. James sits next to Anne, who glances over at young Francis who is being attended to by nannies, sitting with Edward and Henry, young Aylee in her own nurse's arms. "I know you must be worried-" Catherine drew Anne's chin to face her. "but you must know that your mother and father are safe." she tried to smile, but even James could see the worry in her eyes as they heard the scream of a soldier not too far away, the gargling of the dying man drawing tears to the younger of the two's eyes. "It might not seem like it, and I know you're scared, but they will see the end of this battle." the Queen Mother insisted, taking the Dauphin's hand. "You won't remember this, but when you were just born, your mother and father faced a familiar foe." she states. "There was a coup against your parents' rule, lead by a man who betrayed them, who was supposed to marry Jean-Philippe's mother." Anne gasped at the information, the five year old glancing over at their bastard half brother who had lived with them since Edward and Henry had been born. "There was turmoil and days and days of fighting, but do you know what happened?"

"No," James replied softly.

"Tell us!" Anne's inherited impatience shone through, and it brought a smile to Catherine's face even in such a tumultuous time.

"Your mother struck him, and your father had him killed, they won, children. They defeated their enemy and they won the battle and the war. This time, they are braver, faster, stronger, they will defeat their opponent again, and again and again. To get back to you, to keep you and your brothers and sister safe, my son and his wife will do anything, children. I promise you that."

"How can you know?" Anne's soft voice shone through, looking towards the boarded up window as the screams of the silver blades echoed inside the cramped room. "How can you promise when the bad men are all around, when people are being taken to heaven that are supposed to help Maman and Papa?" 

"Because I know my son, dear girl. And I know his wife, I know that their love for each other and their love for you can rip the world apart, Mary and Francis will separate the oceans and move mountains to keep you safe, that was the promise that they made to each and every one of you when you left your maman's body."

"But the bad men, they have swords and arrows-"

"Your parents have trained their armies well, James, and they're handy with their weaponry, too. Trust me, my loves, and trust your parents. They will see this battle's end, and they will come back to you both."


Idk what this is, but I adore the picture of Catherine with her children (That's Hercules and Margret btw) and I had to write a little somethin somethin about it. Also, the girl in the picture is the young woman who appeared in the last episode for about 3 seconds, so they aged her up for some reason. Dumb casting directors *insert eye roll* like Charles was supposed to be 9 when his character returned in s3 and Henry would be like 8 in s4, but for some reason they were grown adults with Henry looking like 7 years older than Charles *another eye roll* This show, man, I swear to god it could be so dumb at times.

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