256 - Secrecy *Modern*

387 14 6

Prompt - okay so they've been dating or together whatever for a little bit, a year maybe and she doesn't want people to know but he does and they have this whole facade to the world that she hates him but really they just are in love in private


"Will you two cut it out already?" Kenna rolls her eyes hard, literally pulling Mary away from her half brother in law so stop the bickering. She was exhausted, and she'd had enough of the fighting between her cousin and her husband's' half brother. She didn't know what it was about Mary and Francis, but the two couldn't just damn well stay civil. The two just couldn't stand each other, each and every time they were together there was a row and quite honestly, while being four and a half months pregnant, Kenna was quite damn well sick of it. "Just shut the fuck up for two seconds, will you?" she grunts, plopping down onto the sofa. "You-you two've just been told that Sebastian and I want you as godparents to our baby, and somehow that's turned into this?" she covers her face in frustration. "Like God, can't you two just pretend to get on for two minutes? We're going to have a baby soon, and that baby will be part of all of us, you two need to find a way to get along, not for my sake but for our childs'!" She sighs, leaning back. "I'm sorry, I'm hormonal, but I'm pissed off!" Kenna looks from Mary to Francis. "You know how much I love you both, but I need this fighting to at least stop when you're around us and when the baby comes, around him or her. Can't you do that for me?"

Francis looks guiltily at Kenna and Mary. "We can try, Kens."

"Sorry, Kenna." Mary looks down at her bump. She reaches down and touches it. "Sorry, little girl."

"For the last time, it's a boy-"

"No!" Kenna scolds Francis. "No fighting, both of you." she says, standing up and reaching out for her cross body bag. "Right, Bash and I've had an idea. The two of us are going out. We'll be back past midnight, I'm going to need you two to sit here and try to find some common ground, okay?"



Mary sighs, slumping. "Okay, Kens. I'll try for you and baby."

"Thank you." she says, relieved. "Bash is waiting in the car, we'll be back."

The two wait in silence until the door closes and locks, and then the car drives away. She closes her eyes as the couch dips, Francis crawling over towards her. He kisses her swiftly, and Mary closes her eyes again, wrapping her arms around his neck as he adjusts her to lay under him. She sighs in relaxation, running her fingers through his hair.

"Sorry about before." she mutters when he pulls away, resting contently on his knees in between her legs.

"I hate being to mean to you." he sighs, placing his hands on her thighs. "Baby, can't we just tell people about us? We wouldn't have to go on with this facade."

"You know how your parents feel about me. Your father adores me like a daughter, but your mother would chase me down the street with an axe if she found out the daughter of her rival was sleeping with her son, and had been for the past seven months." she sighs. "Mother wouldn't react well either, she and Catherine hate each other."

"I know, I know." he sighs. "But can't we just keep it between us and Kenna and Bash? Or just our friends that won't spill to our mothers? I hate having to insult you when we're in company, all I want to do is love you, Darling."

Mary smiles shyly. "It would be nice, Francis, I swear, but I don't know how we'd pull it off. Sneaking around this far has been hard, although the payoffs have been good-" she rolls her eyes when he grins widely. "What if somebody slips up and then it's World War Three? I don't know how I could deal if they took you away from me."

"Well, it's a good thing that we're grown adults and don't have to obey our parents in any way, then, isn't it?" he asks. Mary grins, reaching up for his hands. "I do think we should tell at least Kenna and Bash though, love. Did you see how upset Kenna was earlier?"

"I know, I know. I'm just scared about how they'll react, I mean, we've been at each other's throats for three years before this-" she gestures to them both. "happened. Would they trust us after lying to them for so long?"

"I think you're reading too much into this, darling." he says. "It'll be fine, I promise."

"I hope so."

"Love you."

"Love you, too."

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