275 - Blood *Modern*

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Side Note - this one is a kinda impulsive modern retelling of the miscarriage scene in 2x04. It's not my best writing by any means, but it's a cute little modern Frary anyhow.

"Arh." The new Queen of France whispers, biting her lip and pressing a hand to her otherwise flat stomach. She waits until her husband is far enough away he wouldnt hear her, and begins to moan as a cramp flows through her. Already, the Queen of Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales can feel blood beginning to seep into her underwear, and bites her lip in grief of the child she knows in her heart she's loosing, after just six weeks gestation. Tears fill her eyes as she remembers what day it is, the day where her husband's firstborn son is welcomed into the church of Catholicism, the same child sired by her own cousin, the same child that nearly broke the royal marriage in two, the same event that made international news and for the first time in his life, the King of France earned a slap from the recently abdicated King Father, Henri. How ironic is it? Little Jean is being welcomed into their faith, while her baby, her precious little baby, is being rejected from this life without even as much as a heartbeat. It's not fair, its poetically tragic, its horrible but it's true. The blood and the cramps cannot be anything else. Yes, she hasn't had her baby for very long, but she knows damn well what a miscarriage is.



She gasps, quickly composing herself, wiping her eyes as she spins around to face her companion. It's Louis, Francis' cousin, who's staying with them for Francis to repay his debt of protection when-

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, his brow furrowed as he takes her in, teary eyes and all as she folds her stomach. He knows she's pregnant, he heard Catherine tell a few people he night before at the ball. "Is it the baby?" his voice lowers.

"N-no, it's nothing." she breathes.

"It's not nothing, I'll get help." He goes to get someone, but she reached out to him quickly.

"No!" she gasps. "C-can you just take me to my rooms?" She asks. He nods, his lips parted, and wraps her hand in the crook of his forearm, the other arm wrapped around her waist as they make their way back inside. Mary doesn't know what she'll tell the people that notice them in such a position. It doesnt matter. The only thing that matters is getting away before her blood stains the carpets behind her.

"You need a doctor, to phone your midwife." Louis says as he leads her to a chaise in the middle of the room.

"No, tell nobody." Mary says, before she sits down and her dress rises up and-

"You're bleeding." Louis gasps.

"I'm loosing my baby." she let's out a weak cry, moaning, placing a hand to her stomach again.

"I'm phoning your midwife " the Prince of Conde says, grabbing Mary's bag and retrieving her phone before she can complain. "And Francis. He should know."

The Queen closes her eyes, laying back against the chair, sending out one last prayer for her baby before the tears begin again.


"Mary, what's happened?!" Francis cries as he pushes open the door. His wife looks at him from her position on the bed, her dress removed, clothed only in her bra and an old cami for privacy as her midwife continues to run the ultrasound machine over her stomach, another checking her blood pressure with a cuff. A third kneels on the bed, no doubt using some kind of machine inside of his wife. Mary silently sniffles, turning back to the machine.

When he nears her, Francis can see the blood all around the bed, some on the chaise and a few droplets on the floor. His stomach churns, and he rushes towards her.

"Darling, why didn't you tell me when the bleeding started? Why did my cousin have to search me out before the ceremony?" He gasps, rushing over to get on the bed, to hold her hand. He doesnt blink at the fact that the three women do not bow to him, he would be irritated if they did, given the current circumstances.

"I didn't want to ruin things for Lola and the baby, today of all days." Mary sniffles. "And seeing you so excited earlier, I couldn't-"

"Oh my word!"

"What? What is it?" Francis asks sharply.

"It's not a miscarriage! It's a polyp, it's a polyp!" one of the midwives cry out, removing the device from the Queen's body.

"What's a polyp?"

"Polyps are small, elongated tumors that grow on the cervix, it's common in pregnancy."

"A tumour? Is that serious?" Francis asks.

"I'm still pregnant?" Mary whispers.

"You are, your Majesty. There's our little Prince or Princess, hiding away up there." The second midwife points out a small blob on the screen, and mary bursts into another round of tears when she sees the little flickering blip on the screen. Her baby is safe, healthy. Alive.

"To answer your question, Majesty, polyps aren't serious. They're caused by increased estrogen in the woman's body, which is to be expected when she is pregnant."

"She'll be alright?"

"Yes, King Francis. The Queen whom be just fine, although we would recommend a few days rest and some iron-rich foods for the next while, to make up for the blood loss-" the midwife pulls the cuff from Mary's arm, and King and Queen look at each other on excitement, wide smiles upon their faces, although they tense when the one who has the ultrasound wang against her flesh gasps again.

"Oh, my!"

"What? What is it?"

"There is another baby in the same sac! My Lord, my Lady, you're not having a miscarriage, you're having twins!"

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