261 - Magic *HP*

445 13 8

Prompt - maybe they're in school and have known each other for years and been together in private for a year more or less. the whole school knows he has a history of being a one and done person. anywho maybe she doesn't want the whole school to know she fell for him and him her, but she could be ashamed of it? if that makes sense

Prompt - also could you write more frary sneaking around, hiding from their parents and friends and public if you want. maybe kind of like james and lily in harry potter

Side Note - This may not have been entirely what the request actually was, but I was inspired by the little nod to the Harry Potter universe and thought I could dabble in putting Frary in Hogwarts with their royal blood!

"Francois de Valois-Angouleme!" Professor McGonagall's voice echoes down the large, ornate corridor before the boys can run towards the end of it, already late for luncheon as it was. The boy she wished to see, a lanky, tall seventh year Gryffindorian with a head full of long blonde curls and a unkempt deep red and golden tie, spins around with a cringe to face her.

"I didn't do anything," he tries, letting out a pained smile at the sight of the elder woman in deep green. She cocks an eye at him, looking at the four boys trailing. Two gryffindors, a hufflepuff and a slytherin.

"No, it's not about scolding, boy." Professor rolls her deep green eyes. "Your head girl needs to see you, Dumbledore's been hounding each and every head girl and boy for a task, fetch her for me, would you? Then come to Dumbledore's office." she instructs, leaving swiftly.

The boys jeer and elbow at the eldest Gryffindorian head boy, and he waves them off with an eye roll, they always enjoyed taunting him about Mary Stuart, the pureblood witch who had been entangled with him their entire lives. Throughout the magical world, their families were closer than any other, the two powerful houses bound by both blood and marriage in the past. Wealthy and powerful, the houses Stuart and Valois held honor, power and prestige. They were both feared and respected.

In the muggle world, things were different, but somehow similar. In the muggle world, both held wealth and power beyond belief, yes, but there was differences in how they lived. In the Muggle world, the Valois lived in France, his father a Prince of the blood, secondborn son to the King of France. His uncle, Francis, he will be King one day, with Aunt Amelie as his Queen. While Henry lived in his comfortable Duchy with his large family who regularly disappeared for reasons unknown to the Muggle world. His father is a Prince, and so will he be when Grandfather passes on, but it is highly unlikely either will ever be King. Mary, however, she is different.

Her father is the King of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, head of state of the Commonwealth and Emperor of India. When Uncle James dies, it will be Mary who will be Queen. Although she is the third born of the King James and Queen Marie, her elder brothers Arthur and James died as infants in a mysterious accident, so the muggles know. But the magic-bloods know the truth of who killed Prince Arthur and Prince James Stuart. And yes, she has two younger brothers and three younger sisters, as well as her father's' older children from out of wedlock, but she was gifted the title of Crown Imperial Princess after the death of her brothers when she was a child.

So much as the muggles know, all the eleven plus aged children attend school abroad. Nobody knows the truth of their education, and nobody knows the dangers the children face outside of their world, in a world that is so mystical and marvelous, so far away from the dullness of the muggle world. 

"Come on, brother," the dark haired gryffindorian grins, slinging an arm around Francis' shoulders. "Let's find your girl." he smirks at the jeers of their friends, and is shoved off his brother, caught by the sandy blonde haired roommate they share, and is shoved off with another laugh.

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