210 - Question *Modern*

462 12 4

Prompt - Francis asking James for Mary's hand in marriage!


Concept One - Mary's father

"Uh, sir, may I speak to you for a moment?" To James Stuart, his eldest Godson and the long-time boyfriend of his eldest daughter seemed on the verge of passing out. He studies Francis' face for a moment, leaning back in the chair of the breakfast dining table conjoined in the kitchen. To James, the twenty one year old seemed chalk white, border lining on a sickened grey. A bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face, the nervousness the young man obviously feels in this moment evident in his eyes. He fiddles with his thumbs, a trait Mr. Stuart remembered he did whenever he was fearful.

"Of course, boy. Don't look so frightened." James answers his Godson. "Of course, come with me." he says, getting up out of his chair and walking out with the young blonde man over towards the study closest to the kitchen area. James closes the door behind the two of them, looking towards the young blonde man. "So?"

"Uh-" Francis scratched the back of his neck nervously. "You know how much I love Mary, right? I mean, she's my light, my stars, my everything. We've been though a lot together, even though we're young. She's beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the world, and she helped me when Papa get diagnosed all the way through the treatments and all the way to the remission last October. I don't know what I'm even saying, I just love her so much, she's a wonderful human being, and I-

"Francis, stop rambling." James chuckles. "And take a breath, boy. You're not too far away from fainting." he says, smiling at the boy as if he was his own son. The second eldest boy to his brother in arms takes in a deep breath, looking from his shoes to his Godfather for a moment. "Is this what I think this is?" he asks quietly.

"Yes." Francis whispers. "I wanted your permission to marry your daughter." he says.

James smiles. "Boy, I thought you'd never ask." he says. "I know how much you love my Mary, how much she's healed you when you went through everything with Clarissa, and you've been by her side when Marie and I got our divorce when you kids were fifteen. Hell, you two've definatley stood the test of time, that's for sure. Benn together since you were eleven, yes?" he chuckles. "I should probably ask Marie for her thoughts, but I'm going to give you an answer now, boy. Yes, yes, you have my permission to take my daughter from me. Just treat her well and make her happy, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Always."

James reaches, shaking the large hand that belonged to his future son-in-law.

"Now, have you got the ring?" he grins.


Concept two - Mary's brother

"Uh, brother?" Francis asks, turning towards the face of Mary's brother. "Can we talk about something?"

"Sure, what?" James Stuart-Erskine asks, turning the TV volume down so he may look at his long-time friend, the boyfriend of his little sister.

Francis casts a look over his shoulder, over the top of the couch that the two of them were lounging upon. He sees Mary in the kitchen, with Kenna and Greer and Aylee, they're laughing over Malibu and coke's. He smiles in gratefulness, looking towards James once more.

"Uh, I know you guys don't have your Dad anymore, so I guess that's why it feels right to ask you instead." the twenty three year old man begins, glancing over at his girlfriend again. "Uh, I don't even know how to start this."

"You wanna marry my sister."

"What? How the fuck did you-" he groans. "Bash, that damn bastard. Never able to keep your lips closed after good 'ol Jack." he mutters angrily.

"Francis, Bash didn't tell me anything." James laughs.

"Then how the fuck did you know?"

"Dude, you're wearing skinnies, I've been able to see the ring box ever since you two came around." James laughs. Francis blushes. "It could only be that, I mean, I know we're mates and everything, but there's no way it could just be because you're happy to see me."

Francis bursts out laughing.

"Okay, okay. You caught me." he chuckles. "So, what's the verdict, brother?"

"Yeah." he says, after a beat. "You can ask my sister for her hand." his voice is now quieter. "But, just so you know, if you don't take care of her, if you ever do anything to fuck her over, Mary's gonna chop your balls off, and I'll get the scraps."

They laugh again.


Concept Three - Mary's son

"Hey, bud. Can I ask you something?" Francis asks the three year old little boy as he sits happily on the overstuffed couch of the grandeur home bought by the famed neurosurgeon miles and miles east of the city, so the blended family of four could have some space to themselves.

"What, Papa?" Little James Alexander Edward Stuart asks, looking up from playing with the foot of his duck footie pyjamas to Francis, who sits next to him on the couch.

"You know how your Mama and I've been together for a long time now?" he asks the little boy. Realistically speaking, they had been together since before James had been born, when Henry Darnley-Stuart had been taken into the hospital for syphilis after attacking his wife in a mad rampant rage. Ever since, he had been placed in a mental institution for irreparable damage done to his psyche thanks to the disease, his paternal rights handed over on a silver platter to the new mother and her new boyfriend, who himself was a father to little John, who he shared with Lola. 

"Hmm?" the boy hums happily, looking up at the only father he had ever really known. Francis smiles at the child, he looked exactly like his mother, no trace of Henry Stuart at all.

"How would you feel if I asked your Mama to marry me?"

"Marry?" James chirps.

"Yes, marry." Francis sweeps back the boys' curls. "We'd go to a pretty place and your Mama would be in a pretty white dress, and she would have the same last name as me. And then, so would you? Would it be okay with you if I asked her to be my wife?"

James ponders for a moment. "Would you still give me ice cream?"

Francis laughs. "Of course, little boy."

"Then, okay!" he smiles widely, plopping himself down on Francis' lap. "Can we watch cartoons now?"

"Sure, bud. Whatever you want."


Happy Christmas Eve!

Couldn't decide which James to write about, so I did all of them! I'm gonna try and get as many Christmas inspired one shots up right now, so get ready! As always, I'm taking requests, but if it's Christmas inspired, it's gonna be up either today or tomorrow, but if it's normal, then it might take a little while :)

Love you all,



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