Chapter 2 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 2 – Beth's POV

I was running late.

I had been studying for my Classical Crossover class, but I had lost track of time, and now I needed to get to the ballet class I was teaching for kids. I had a group of ten students, all adorable. I'd been quite surprised to realized I actually enjoyed teaching ballet to kids. I was sure I was going to felt incompetent or I would have gotten annoyed with my students. I wasn't the most extrovert person out there after all.

I had worried for nothing.

My family thought I was crazy giving myself so much work.

It wasn't too much. It's wasn't enough actually.

I had dreams and I had goals and I wasn't going to settle down. Ever.

I loved my parents and I did think their love was beautiful, but I often thought about the disappointments I would have if I was my mother. She had fallen in love in high school, and my father had been all she wanted. She had a good job, and I knew she loved being a mother, but... Being with my father had been as far as her dreams went. She followed my father to the college he wanted to go, and she had her kids too early to really experience life as an adult with other dreams than to provide for her family.

She always seemed happy, and I had never heard her complain about any of these things, but to me, looking at her, that life... it was not enough for me.

I wanted to be cast in a great ballet troop. I wanted to play violin in an orchestra. I wanted to play violin alone on a scene.

I wanted to write a great violin score.

I wanted my name to mean something. I wanted my dreams to inspire other people.

And I never wanted to settle, never ever.

I quickly changed into something appropriate for my ballet class and grabbed my bag, rushing out of my room.

I was tying my hair into a messy bun when I passed in front of a framed picture in the tiny hall of our apartment.

Cole and me in Paris.

It was the morning after I had gotten the part in a small ballet production. It wasn't that big of a part, but it had been a big deal for me. Cole and I went for a walk after getting breakfast at a café. We had asked a strange to take our picture. We didn't have many pictures together. We were always so careful. I just had a few of him in my phone.

Anytime I knew anyone from my family was going to come over I would change the picture in that frame.

Nikki always said I was a lunatic anytime I did that.

The last time I had seen Cole was last Christmas, almost three months ago.

He'd texted me in the middle of the night. It was snowing outside. I had sneaked out of the house and we'd gone for a walk in the snow, hand in hand. He had brought a mistletoe as a joke and raised it over our heads in the middle of the street.

I had snuck back inside, cheeks red from the cold and the kiss. I kept the mistletoe. I had it carefully tucked away in my copy of Jane Eyre.

Our relationship was stolen kisses and clandestine meetings, hidden smiles and brushing hands.

Our families had been dead set on betting on our relationship, so we'd been stubborn about not letting any of them know we met.

We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend though. Not officially. The words had never been exchanged.

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