Chapter 4 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 4 – Beth's POV

I had never been this distracted in a class of mine, ever. I'd made my students do the same movements twice in a row and I'd mix the order of one routine and I mixed the names of two of my students, amongst other things.

Coleridge Torres had no business messing up with my focus this easily. He wasn't even in the room.

But just thinking about him, in my apartment, probably sleeping in my bed right now was enough to make me giddy and feeling completely flustered.

I loved teaching my students, but today I couldn't wait for the class to be over.

When it was finally over and the kids had scattered away with their parents, I left in a hurry and when I was about a hundred feet away from by bus stop, realized I had forgotten my wallet with my bus pass at the studio. I practically ran back to get it.

I seriously needed to get a hold of myself. I was ridiculous. It wasn't like it was the first time Cole had visited me unexpectedly. It wasn't the first time Cole was at my apartment.

After all these years I should be able to handle myself a little bit better when Cole appeared in my life.

The bus ride home was excruciatingly long.

The walk from the bus stop to my apartment was closer to a jog than a walk.

I still couldn't really believe that Cole was there, in Berlin with me.

When I walked in my apartment, I smiled seeing Cole's shoes at the entry.

Nikki had left a post-it on our billboard by the door.

Your boyfriend is sleeping in your room. And I shall be sleeping at Mila's place for the foreseeable future. Don't get pregnant.

My cheeks reddened at the message. I grabbed the post-it like it was on fire and tore it into tiny pieces so Cole would never read it.

Nikki was a wicked woman.

I tip-toed to my room and cracked the door open.

Cole was sleeping, his soft breathing echoing in my dark room.

I closed the door back and went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat quickly. I wasn't that hungry though. I was too excited and too keyed up.

When I was done, I went back to my room, and this time instead of just peeking by the door, stepped inside.

Careful not to make the floor crack, I walked up to my bed and slid under the covers in the small space left between Cole at the edge of it.

I wrapped an arm around him and snuggled under his chin.

Cole took a deeper breath, like he was waking up. I moved a little.

I looked up. He smiled first, and then opened his eyes. "I wasn't sure for a second, but now I know, this is definitely a dream," he whispered.

I smiled back at him. "You're the one who dropped unannounced here. It would make more sense for me to be the one dreaming, not you."

Cole hugged me against his chest. I kissed his shirt over it.

"How were your little ballerinas?" he asked me softly.

"They were fine, I was kind of a mess though," I answered, still feeling like an idiot.

I could feel the smile in his voice. "Oh, and why is that?"

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