Chapter 17 - Cole's POV

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Chapter 17 – Cole's POV

It felt like an entirely different experience to wake up with Beth in my arms after what had happened last night, like I knew a different side of her now.

I always thought I knew everything about Beth. I hadn't. I wasn't complaining about learning about this side of her though.

I loved the fact that we could share each other like this.

This side of Beth was only mine, and this side of me was only hers.

We should be getting out of bed. We should eat someting. Beth had wanted us to go to a museum today too. I knew she was a little disappointed that we'd been unable to do a lot of things together since she was so busy with university, and her hectic life in general.

Beth's eyes were still close and I was sure she was still sleeping by listening to her even breathing. I was rarely the one waking up first so I enjoyed this moment even more.

I held her more tightly against my chest, thinking about last night.

I still couldn't quite believe that this had finally happened. Part of me almost convinced myself it wouldn't happen for some reason, like waiting for her had become part of who I was at that point.

Our relationship had needed to stay platonic for so long that I'd gotten used to it, I'd become okay with it.

But now, holding Beth in my arms, feeling her skin against mine, I knew the waiting had been worth it, but there was no going back now.

This girl was my world.

I tucked her head under my chin, and Beth snuggled against me in her sleep.

We'd taken a quick shower after, more out of necessity than anything else. We were both a little tired at that point.

Beth's hair was still a little damp. She smelled like her shampoo. I couldn't tell the specific fragrance, but it was comforting because it smelled like her.

I couldn't believe that I had to leave soon, and I wouldn't be able to wake up like this with Beth in my arms.

I really hated this.

I could be patient. I knew how to be patient, but it didn't mean I couldn't be disappointed that we still didn't share a life together, that she couldn't be the first thing I saw every morning.

There were still so many things I wanted to do with her, I didn't want to think about the end just yet.

Thinking about the end made me sad, and I didn't want to be sad.

Beth stirred in my arms a little, her breathing picking up.

"Good morning," I told her, surprised at how groggy my voice sounded.

"Good morning," she replied softly, kissing the skin of my throat.

Her arms were squished between our two bodies, and she was stroking the skin of my chest with her fingers.

I kissed her temple.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She chuckled. "You really need to stop worrying about me, I'm more than fine."

She'd bled a little last night, so I couldn't really help it. I knew that was quite common for a girl after her first time, but it still worried me.

"I can't help it, I don't want you to be hurt."

"Hurt is the last word I'd use to describe last night Cole," she said.

I loved hearing her say my name. I was so whipped.

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