Chapter 8 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 8 – Beth's POV

Dance practice was over, and I was sitting on the ground stretching. Lucas and Deirdre came to flank me on both sides.

"You mind telling us what's going on? Because you've never forgotten parts of a choreography before," Deirdre asked, in a tone that sounded more curious than worried.

It had definitely not been my best dancing. I kept missing steps and at one point I almost bumped into one of the other dancers.

I had too much on my mind. And by too much I meant Cole. Just Cole. All alone in my apartment. Cole in my bed, with morning hair and sleepy eyes. Cole's arms wrapped around me tightly, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Earth to Lilibeth," Lucas chuckled, waving his hand in front of my face to snap me out of my reverie.

My cheeks must have been red, betraying my flustered feelings. "I'm sorry. I'm a little distracted," I answered and added, "my boyfriend is here."

Even though Cole and I had never officially stated that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I needed a reason sometimes as to why I rejected any offers I would get of dates or being set up. So, my friend here all knew about my boyfriend Cole.

"Oooh, the elusive boyfriend we've never met and that we're pretty skeptical about," Deirdre teased me.

I smiled. "The very one."

"And tell us, when will we ever have the privilege of meeting this dashing boyfriend of yours?" Lucas asked.

I thought about it for a second. I didn't want to impose anything on Cole, but at the same time I knew he didn't have any specific plans... and I kinda wanted to show him off to my friends if I was being a hundred percent honest.

"I guess we could all go out tonight," I answered them.

"Seriously?" they both answered, getting all excited.

I laughed at the reaction and agreed to set things up and text them with the info later.

I had made many friends during my studies, but out of all of them, Deirdre and Lucas were probably the closest ones.

The three of us were all from different countries. Deirdre was from Ireland and Lucas was from France. We had kind of gravitated around each other from the very first day of school.

I was a very different student in university than I was in high school.

When I was in high school, all I wanted was results. I wanted to get into a great university and I wanted to finish my studies one year earlier so I could start college at the same time as Nikki.

I had very little space for friends.

But now, even though I was still very focus on having good grades and being a model student, I left more room for people here.

When I came to study in Berlin, I had decided that I didn't want to be the shy quiet girl who always felt like she was disturbing everyone just by existing.

I had always felt like the odd one out, with my brother, Maika and Cole. With the kids at school. With my family even.

But I knew this was all mostly in my head.

So I tried to condition myself into being more outgoing, into knowing my worth and not putting myself down.

Every time my old feelings of being annoying and uninteresting would come back, I'd think "How would Maika act?"

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